We only supply to the beaches on Wednesdays plus Wednesdays

We only supply to the beaches on Wednesdays plus Wednesdays

Delivery services are nice, because they allow you to get the things that you need plus want in a hurry plus without ever leaving your home; Living in the neighborhood means enjoying lots of delivery services; When I lived in the city, I could have anything delivered from laundry, to Bakery goods plus even electronics, i moved to the beaches a couple of months ago plus I thought things would be the same, they are really different. I cannot have the same things delivered to the beach that I had delivered in the city, then one thing that is vastly strange is marijuana delivery. In the past, I could call the marijuana delivery repair plus have anything that I wanted delivered right to my door within an hour! After moving to the beach, I realized that it was no longer going to be possible to get one hour delivery. There is only a single dispensary that will supply to the beaches. This recognizable dispensary has a $150 minimum for the order. They also only supply to the beaches on Wednesdays plus Wednesdays. All orders have to be placed one day ahead of time. When I need marijuana supplies, I honestly have to know ahead plus make sure that I have enough items for a couple of days. I plan ahead for the weekends on Wednesday plus I prepare for the week on Wednesday. I can constantly drive up to the dispensary if I run out, but that means facing all of the traffic. I would rather stay household than deal with bumper to bumper neighborhood traffic.


recreational weed delivery services