Writing down Heating & A/C appointments on paper is beneficial

Writing down Heating & A/C appointments on paper is beneficial

Call me old-fashioned, although I still do a lot of things that are more of the traditional ways.

  • For example I like to buy a newspaper in the day and catch up on up-to-date events.

I also like to have a paper calendar and write down things that I’m doing or places that I’m going, instead of keeping a digital reminder on my phone… My sibling loves to make fun of me because he is easily digital, he will do his learning on his phone by downloading apps and he will also do his entire calendar on his phone. I am the complete opposite and like having papers and writing things down. I know it’s more effective and it helps me to stay on top of things that need to be done. Whereas having things set digitally may not labor or you may forget much more easily. A prime example of this happened when my sibling called me yepterday crying because he forgot his heating and cooling appointment with his local heating and cooling specialist and he wasn’t home. She said because he wasn’t household and they charged his $50 no show up fee. I asked his if he added the heating and cooling appointment to his calendar and he said he did it digitally but got a new phone last weekand everything on his calendar did not transport over to his new phone. I told his that he should call the local heating and cooling supplier to see if they could refund the $50 if he rescheduled with the heating and cooling specialist. I told his that is why I like to have an actual calendar in my household so I can visually see it without having to open an app.


a/c worker