I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I spent a few months saving my money for a smart thermostat. My HVAC technician constantly told me how much he loved smart thermostats and was always telling me how it would lower my utility bills. When he first mentioned a smart thermostat to me, I assumed he was trying to sell me something in

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Every year it is the same thing around here. By the time that we are in October it is time to start preparing for those cold winter months. What better way to do that than to have your heating system tuned up? I use a gas furnace as my main heating source, and like any

House being very dusty and needing to check air filter

House being very dusty and needing to check air filter

Living with my parents can be a little rough. I don’t remember them ever being so annoying and hard on me when I was living with them in high school. Now that I’m out of college and had to move back home to save money, they are on my case constantly! I am in the

Window unit AC not working

Window unit AC not working

I woke up this morning to my bedroom being unusually warm. I was not sure if I had turned the AC on the night before, but I knew that something wasn’t right. My second thought was if I had developed a fever overnight. Maybe I was just warm and there was nothing wrong with the

Nancy’s mini split system stinks like an old drain

Nancy’s mini split system stinks like an old drain

Nancy was a long time from childhood, and I was happy when she told me she had moved into my town and neighborhood. I had to leave all my friends and start a new life here when I got a new job. While I was happy and already used to the changes, it was refreshing

My boiler is charming

My boiler is charming

My boiler is really charming, but i am so cheerful that I decided to switch plus get a current heater, then last year was when I switched over to a brand current boiler after residing in the same house for three decades, however my spouse plus I bought this house is a retirement house all

Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can fix it

Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can fix it

I absolutely love my home. There’s so much charisma to it that it sets it apart from all of the other homes in our community. Our community has a lot of nice homes however mine sticks out due to the exterior color and the size of it. My home was built about 50 years ago

My air purifier fell off of the porch and broke

My air purifier fell off of the porch and broke

I am a sucker for fads and trends. I know that they do not last long, and they are not usually worth the money. Even though I know these things, I still make the mistake of falling for them quite often. My mom was the same way, so I think that I got it from

Preparing for the cold winter season weather

Preparing for the cold winter season weather

They really go above plus beyond to make sure the client is constantly satisfied plus they have a the client is constantly right policy or even if they somehow mess up, which isn’tlikely because they’re undoubtedly professional, however if it does happen they’ll do everything in their power to right the wrong Every year it

Puppy dog woes on a hot Summer afternoon

Puppy dog woes on a hot Summer afternoon

My sibling has the biggest heart around in addition to can’t resist any living creature. When she told me that she wanted to volunteer at the local pet shelter I knew it wouldn’t be long before she brought household a modern friend. Boy was I relieved when it was a puppy in addition to not

Melting memories

Melting memories

Outdoor anniversarys are the worst! Trust me I have been to enough of them to know, I have seen everything from a snowstorm two afternoons so overheated that it feels like you will pass out. So when my best friend started planning her anniversary and asked me to help I insisted on an indoor locale.

Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can clean it

Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can clean it

I entirely love my home, but there’s so much charisma to it that it sets it apart from all of the other homes in our community, and our community has a lot of nice homes however mine sticks out due to the exterior color plus the size of it… My apartment was built about 50

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

I went to my sibling’s house last week for a bit of a family reunion. She lives in the South as well as it was so tepid as well as humid. My buddy and I spent a lot of time outdoors Bar-B-Quing as well as just hanging out together in nature. She live in the

Lots of cats in addition to heating/cooling repair

Lots of cats in addition to heating/cooling repair

I chose an in-duct UV air purifier that sends out positive in addition to disadvantage ions to actively kill bacteria, mold spores in addition to viruses I volunteer at an animal shelter where we rescue abandoned, abused or stray dogs in addition to cats. My good friend and I make every effort to location these

Importance of duct cleaning

Importance of duct cleaning

There are lots of sources of air pollution in the home, however most of the time, dust, bacteria in addition to mold spores are coming from the vents. The majority of homeowners never deliver their ductwork more than a passing thought. It’s easy to forget all about the concealed network of pipes. However, the ducts

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

It was impossible to get an Heating & A/C company out to the house because the streets were snowed in & everyone on our block had lost power as well… So my associate and I decided that from now on my associate and I were going to call a local Heating & A/C company to

fifth shift Heating and A/C nightmare

fifth shift Heating and A/C nightmare

Only certain people are split out to work 3rd Shift. You have to have a nocturnal personality to be able to handle the hours. Normally they start around 11 and end at 7 in the day, so when all the people are start their afternoon, you were at the end of yours. I have worked

Other forms of Air Conditioners

Other forms of Air Conditioners

I don’t mind going to work in an actual office. I used to work from home plus periodically that had its ups plus downs. When I worked from home I was often distracted by my niece that I used to babysit. I realized that when she was asleep that was when I would get most

Party home has a/c on too low

Party home has a/c on too low

My mom is consistently nagging me to dress warmly. “You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a Summer get together with a bunch of friends plus my mom told me to grab a sweatshirt. I didn’t want to although he insisted. So, I finally

A long cold drive

A long cold drive

Traveling several hours, while being uncomfortable, just seems to ruin the entire experience My cousin called the other day and was very upset, she had just returned from a trip with her friends and she wanted to tell me about it. She said that the place they had visited was absolutely gorgeous. They had gone

An unofficial Christmas gift

An unofficial Christmas gift

As a child you tend to ask for the most popular toy for Christmas. In most homes the excitement of the Season builds for weeks plus seeing the kids faces on Christmas day is definitely the honestly best feeling. As you get older you may wish for larger gifts plus have no concept of the

Central air is a must.

Central air is a must.

My husband and I move a lot with his job. While looking for houses to rent in a new town, the first thing I look for is central heating and air conditioning. I grew up with space heaters and window air conditioners, and the first place my husband and I rented had space heaters and

I picked up a new contract while I was working at the laundromat

I picked up a new contract while I was working at the laundromat

I had a job at the laundromat on Tuesday. The owner of the laundromat called me because he was experiencing some trouble with the dryers on the west side of the building. All of the dryers are connected to the gas furnace and heating system. Problems with the dryers are usually indicative of issues with

Pencil shaving are in my air conditioner

Pencil shaving are in my air conditioner

I am starting to think it is not going to work out with my girlfriend. It is the little things that are getting to me. Like that she borrows my truck and returns it with an empty gas tank. She also eats the last of the cereal and leaves the empty box on top of

No room for Air conditioners

No room for Air conditioners

Living in the heart of the neighborhood can be a lot of fun. There is consistently something going on & most of the items that you need are within walking distance for the most part. I love the fact that I don’t even need to own a car because public moveation can take me to

Nancy’s mini split system stinks like an aged drain

Nancy’s mini split system stinks like an aged drain

Nancy was a long time from childhood, plus I was cheerful when he told me he had moved into my town plus neighborhood. I had to leave all my friends plus start a up-to-date life here when I got a up-to-date job. While I was cheerful plus already used to the swings, it was refreshing

Joe had to pay double for an imofficially installed Heating plus A/C system

Joe had to pay double for an imofficially installed Heating plus A/C system

I never worked with anyone else when it came to Heating plus A/C installations plus repairs, but it was Martin, the old-time Heating plus A/C professional in the local Heating plus A/C business that I trusted. I would rather wait for him to complete his rounds if it was not an emergency operation, what’sWhat’s more,

The boss needs to make some fluctuations

The boss needs to make some fluctuations

Have you ever considered changing jobs because the career is uncomfortable? I never thought I would be thinking of doing just that however I simply can’t put up with my workspace any longer, but when I took the job nearly fifteen years ago I assumed that I would stay there through retirement. I work for

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

My family decided to start a modern tradition this year. As soon as my associate and I were done opening presents on Christmas afternoon, my associate and I all got in the vehicle and headed into the mountains for a cozy getaway. We wanted to spend time skiing, snowboarding, eating fantastic food, and care about

Old Fashioned Heating.

Old Fashioned Heating.

I wouldn’t say I grew up in a lower class family, we never wanted for anything, but looking back, I have to wonder. We lived in the West so it never really got that cold but still, I have to question my parents’ choices for heating the house. We didn’t have central heating, or anything

Nothing to see here

Nothing to see here

Have you ever spent hours online trying to find the answer to something only to end up looking at something completely different? It happens to me all the time. I suppose that the internet has a way of drawing you in as well as making you suppose that you are doing something productive, however in

Party household has A/C on too low

Party household has A/C on too low

My Dad is consistently nagging me to dress warmly. “You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a summer time celebration with a bunch of friends plus my Dad told me to grab a sweatshirt. I didn’t want to even though she insisted. So, I

Old Fashioned Heating.

Old Fashioned Heating.

I wouldn’t say I grew up in a lower class family, my great friend and I never wanted for anything, however looking back, I have to wonder, however my associate and I lived in the West so it never honestly got that cold however still, I have to question my parents’ choices for heating the

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

My family decided to beginning a new tradition this year. As soon as my buddy and I were done opening presents on Christmas day, my buddy and I all got in the car plus headed into the mountains for a cozy getaway. My friend and I wanted to spend time skiing, snowboarding, eating nice food,

Buying an older place and figuring out when to replace air conditioner

Buying an older place and figuring out when to replace air conditioner

My fiance and I recently moved out of our 3 kitchen home, our cabin-like home was easily nice and quaint, but it was not fit for starting a family! My fiance and I just got married about a year ago and we’re looking to settle down into a greater home to start having youngsters. My

I dropped my air conditioner down the basement stairs

I dropped my air conditioner down the basement stairs

I am a born clutz. My husband thinks it is hilarious, but I do not. I have broken so many bones in my lifetime that I have lost count. One time, I broke my arm by falling on a small patch of ice in the middle of our driveway. It was literally only about five

Preparing for the cold winter time weather

Preparing for the cold winter time weather

Their prices are affordable, as well as all the heating they air conditioning system workers are super friendly Every year it is the same thing around here. By the time that we are in September it is time to start preparing for those cold winter time months, but what better way to do that than

A way to tell if your AC is damaged

A way to tell if your AC is damaged

While sitting on the couch with my family this night, I noticed that our AC was much louder than normal. I thought that the TV was turned down low so I grabbed the remote, plus turned up the volume! Not much later, it seemed that the AC was getting louder. I went to the control

No A/C at the hotel

No A/C at the hotel

At least once a year I try to go plus travel internationally to a current country that I have never been to… I just started this travel goal of mine last year, however last year my pal and I made the choice to go to Europe plus i was entirely shocked because there is hardly

The right time to update the a/c:

The right time to update the a/c:

While every a/c is efference, a system that receives proper service plus proper care can be expected to last someplace from fifteen to twenty years, however, in areas with a tropical weather conditions, where the a/c operates for more than fifty percent of the year, the equipment may wear out more suddenly, and it can

How I found the right air filter

How I found the right air filter

If you’re looking to get an air filter how do you find which one is right for you? One of the best ways you can find out what kind of air filter you need for your home is to have a heating & A/C serviceman come out to your home & take a look at

Home remodel, new Heating & A/C system

Home remodel, new Heating & A/C system

My fiance & I recently decided that my associate and I want to remodel our home, but we’ve been residing in this house for about 15 years & he easily needs an replace, even saving up a lot of money because my associate and I want to basically chop our house & start from scratch!

House being certainly dusty and needing to check air filter

House being certainly dusty and needing to check air filter

Living with my parents can be a little rough, then i don’t remember them ever being so annoying and hard on me when I was living with them in private school, then now that I’m out of university and had to transfer back property to save money, they are on my case regularly! I am

No heat on Christmas afternoon

No heat on Christmas afternoon

It was Christmas Eve and my heating system hastily stopped working. My heating system works off of a boiler system. I learn online that you can refill those yourself. You just open up the special area and add more water… Unluckyly, my boiler system doesn’t have a spot like that. It appears to need a

Buying an older house and figuring out when to replace air conditioner

Buying an older house and figuring out when to replace air conditioner

My wife and I recently moved out of our 3 bedroom home. Our cottage-like home was very nice and quaint, however it was not fit for starting a family. My wife and I just got married about a year ago and we’re looking to settle down into a bigger home to start having kids. We