Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can fix it

Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can fix it

I absolutely love my home. There’s so much charisma to it that it sets it apart from all of the other homes in our community. Our community has a lot of nice homes however mine sticks out due to the exterior color and the size of it. My home was built about 50 years ago

Office always too cold, HVAC unit may be too big

Office always too cold, HVAC unit may be too big

The HVAC system was too big for the size of our office When it was hot and sunny out I always wanted to be outside. I could not stand being indoors when I was younger. I was always out playing with my neighborhood friends. Now that I’ve graduated high school and college I can’t enjoy

My air purification system fell off of the porch as well as broke

My air purification system fell off of the porch as well as broke

I am a sucker for fads as well as trends. I know that they do not last long, as well as they are not usually worth the cash. Even though I know these things, I still make the mistake of falling for them quite often. My mom was the same way, so I think that

Benefits of a heat pump

Benefits of a heat pump

The first heat pump was invented in 1948, when a homeowner decided to recover the hot water from the operation of a deep chilly freezer; Within a year, the homeowner updated her coal boiler with her heating innovation. However, heat pumps would become popular until the 1973s. They gained attention while in the oil crisis

His roofing repair was subpar

His roofing repair was subpar

She keeps thinking her man is going to step up and do the job I have a buddy that is super handy but cheap and lazy. He never does the quality of work that he is capable of. The guy can fix anything. He is great in electrical, plumbing and HVAC. The guy even worked

Having 5g makes my work a little easier

Having 5g makes my work a little easier

There are about a dozen new neighborhoods being built down by the interstate and that is an area where there isn’t very good cell phone service. I’ve been to the area a couple of different times to fix or repair heating and cooling problems. I have a lot of trouble getting my work done in

I dropped my a/c down the basement stairs

I dropped my a/c down the basement stairs

I am a born clutz. My spouse thinks it is hilarious, but I do not. I have broken so numerous bones in my lifetime that I have lost count, then one time, I broke my arm by falling on a small patch of ice in the middle of our driveway. It was literally only about

The maid is off today

The maid is off today

Teenagers can be quite a challenge & when you have triplets that are seventeen, challenge is putting is mildly. I have triplet men & that makes it even worse, each of them plays on a odd activitys team & the overall aroma in their room is that of a covered in sweat locker room. I

My media air cleaner fell off of the porch and broke

My media air cleaner fell off of the porch and broke

I am a sucker for fads and trends. I know that they do not last long, and they are not usually worth the money. Even though I know these things, I still make the mistake of falling for them quite often. My mom was the same way, so I guess that I got it from

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

My parents are getting older and I constantly worry about them. So much so, that it takes away from my time with my own family. Many times, my spouse will want to plan a family afternoon with the teenagers an I insist on taking my parents with us. This limits the arenas that my friend

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

After a major storm or disaster many people are left homeless. Property damage can cost thousands to service plus if you are a homeowner then you need to make sure you are officially insured to cover those expenses. If you fail to study the enjoyable print on your policy you may be living with a

I Want to Lower My Utility Bills For The Summer

I Want to Lower My Utility Bills For The Summer

I always hire an HVAC professional to service my HVAC system twice per year. I believe it’s essential to have this done in order to maximize efficiency and also keep all the equipment running properly. Even with hiring an HVAC professional to service my air conditioner before the summer months, I still felt like I

Paying attention to our heater in the summer

Paying attention to our heater in the summer

It was impossible to get an HVAC company out to the house because the streets were snowed in and everyone on our block had lost power as well. My wife and I learned the hard way a few summers ago that you have to pay attention to your heater in the summer and not in

I’ve Always Prioritized Heating & Air Conditioning Servicing

I’ve Always Prioritized Heating & Air Conditioning Servicing

Ever since I obtained my first home, I’ve been hiring an Heating & Air Conditioning professional to come service my boiler and air conditioning at least twice per year. I had a limited budget after buying my first home, so I knew I needed to spend it sparingly on the multiple chores and responsibilities that

Fond memories of blizzards

Fond memories of blizzards

When I was a kid, I thought blizzards were great. School would be cancelled and my siblings and I would take full advantage of the unexpected vacation day. We were serious board game players, and after playing two or three, we would always want to play outside in the snow. Layers and layers of snow

Buying an older house and figuring out when to replace air conditioner

Buying an older house and figuring out when to replace air conditioner

My wife and I recently moved out of our 3 bedroom home. Our cottage-like home was very nice and quaint, however it was not fit for starting a family. My wife and I just got married about a year ago and we’re looking to settle down into a bigger home to start having kids. We

Melting memories

Melting memories

Outdoor anniversarys are the worst! Trust me I have been to enough of them to know, I have seen everything from a snowstorm two afternoons so boiling that it feels like you will pass out. So when my best friend started planning her anniversary & asked me to help I insisted on an indoor locale.

I Installed a Whole Home Air Purifier

I Installed a Whole Home Air Purifier

I could install it to my current Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system as well as it would cleanse all the air that passed through as well as entered my home I’ve spent the past year trying to improve my indoor air quality, then i never used to pay attention to the quality of

Power outage in the dead of winter

Power outage in the dead of winter

Last year my partner became really distraught about his parents. He tried to reach them for afternoons plus there was no answer on their cellphone. This wasn’t like his mom not to return his calls so he called a associate who could go plus check on them. Thankfully the associate still had a landline so

Unskippable heating as well as cooling ads

Unskippable heating as well as cooling ads

I cherish to watch a lot of different videos online, mostly educational stuff cause I’m always trying new things; However recently the ads have gotten out of control, it used to be right there just being an ad that would be anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds at the start of the video. Some of

What is that burnt toast odor?

What is that burnt toast odor?

That is a bonus. I can’t guess this weather my buddy and I are having; Yesterday it was 88 degrees & super humid! This afternoon it was 55 degrees & chilly cold, it did warm up a bit throughout the day but nothing like it was last week. I finally had enough of being cold

Our ad campaign worked like a charm

Our ad campaign worked like a charm

I invited my friend list to “like” plus “share” my up-to-date page too. Business has been slow in our sleepy little neighborhood lately. It seems that everyone is willing to drive two towns over to the bigger stores, dealerships, plus businesses. These bigger companies advertise deals plus sales that make it worth the drive I

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I spent a few months saving my money for a smart thermostat. My HVAC technician constantly told me how much he loved smart thermostats and was always telling me how it would lower my utility bills. When he first mentioned a smart thermostat to me, I assumed he was trying to sell me something in

Zoned Heating plus A/C is all about practicality

Zoned Heating plus A/C is all about practicality

I absolutely want to get zoned Heating plus A/C for this aged house. My friend and I have lived here for over 6 years now plus my associate and I are never comfortable, then to start with, it is consistently way hotter upstairs than it is downstairs. There is about 10 degrees difference in temperature,

What is a fan heater?

What is a fan heater?

I toil in a hotel & the thing I like most about my job is all of the interesting people I get to meet. The people from foreign countries are the best. I almost feel like I get to travel the word while never leaving my workplace. It can be challenging at times. Sometimes people

Hearing a noise in the evening, turned out to be heaters

Hearing a noise in the evening, turned out to be heaters

I have central heating plus cooling in my dwelling but my girl doesn’t because my dwelling is much newer than his Every day of the week I have at least something going on that repeats itself every week. For example on Thursday night I will come dwelling from toil plus watch my cable shows. I

A way to tell if your AC is rusted

A way to tell if your AC is rusted

While standing on the couch with my family this night, I noticed that our AC was much louder than normal. I thought that the cable was turned down low so I grabbed the remote, and turned up the volume, not much later, it seemed that the AC was getting louder. I went to the thermostat

Old Fashioned Heating.

Old Fashioned Heating.

I wouldn’t say I grew up in a lower class family, my associate and I never wanted for anything, however looking back, I have to wonder… My pal and I lived in the West so it never really got that frigid however still, I have to question my parents’ choices for heating the house. My

My husband broke our air conditioner with his head

My husband broke our air conditioner with his head

All four of them were wrestling in the living room when my husband got up quickly and did not realize that he was right under the air conditioner. I have three handsome sons that I love so much, but I never pictured myself having all boys. I actually wanted all girls before our sons were

The boss needs to make some changes

The boss needs to make some changes

Have you ever considered changing jobs because the workplace is uncomfortable? I never thought I would be thinking of doing just that but I simply can’t put up with my workspace any longer. When I took the job nearly fifteen years ago I assumed that I would stay there through retirement. I work for the

Outdoor Graduation party

Outdoor Graduation party

I was trying to plan my daughter’s graduation party when she threw me for a loop. I was shopping indoor arenas because she was graduating late in the fall from school. She had worked difficult to gain her Master’s Degree in just under three years plus I wanted to have a celebration to let her

Upgrading to central air conditioning

Upgrading to central air conditioning

The air purifier runs 24/7 all year round, requires very little maintenance and combats airborne germs, particles, odors and VOCs For a long time, I refused to even consider the possibility of centralized air conditioning. The summer seasons in my local area are normally brief and often chilly, gray and wet. During the years when

Taking a Look at Air Filters

Taking a Look at Air Filters

I have a lot of memories as a kid. When I was younger I would always be outside playing. I was hardly ever indoors behind a television or playing video games. Kids these mornings are always in front of the television or behind some kind of screen playing games. I’m thrilled that I wasn’t one

Party house has A/C on too low

Party house has A/C on too low

My mom is always nagging me to dress warmly. “You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a summer party with a bunch of friends and my mom told me to grab a sweatshirt. I didn’t want to but she insisted. So, I finally threw

I Want to Lower My Utility Bills For The Summer

I Want to Lower My Utility Bills For The Summer

Having the air ducts cleaned would help my air conditioner run more efficiently, make cleaner air for breathing, create less stress on the equipment, as well as make the air more comfortable overall inside I always hire an Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C professional to repair my Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C system

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I spent a few months saving my cash for a smart temperature control, and my Heating plus Air Conditioning worker always told me how much he loved smart temperature controls plus was regularly telling me how it would lower my utility bills. When he first mentioned a smart temperature control to me, I assumed he

What is a fan heater?

What is a fan heater?

I work in a hotel and the thing I like most about my job is all of the interesting people I get to meet. The people from foreign countries are the best. I almost feel like I get to travel the word while never leaving my workplace. It can be challenging at times. Sometimes people

Preparing for the cold winter time weather

Preparing for the cold winter time weather

Their prices are affordable, as well as all the heating they air conditioning system workers are super friendly Every year it is the same thing around here. By the time that we are in September it is time to start preparing for those cold winter time months, but what better way to do that than

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

I went to my sibling’s cabin last month for a bit of a family reunion. She lives in the South & it was so sizzling & humid. My associate and I spent a lot of time outdoors Bar-B-Quing & just hanging out together in nature. She live in the woods & is very self sustaining.

Writing down hvac appointments on paper is beneficial

Writing down hvac appointments on paper is beneficial

A prime example of this happened when my sister called me yesterday crying because she forgot her heating and cooling appointment with her local heating and cooling technician and she wasn’t home. Call me old-fashioned, but I still do a lot of things that are more of the traditional ways. For example I like to

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

My family decided to start a modern tradition this year. As soon as my associate and I were done opening presents on Christmas afternoon, my associate and I all got in the vehicle and headed into the mountains for a cozy getaway. We wanted to spend time skiing, snowboarding, eating fantastic food, and care about

My son accidently broke my space heater

My son accidently broke my space heater

He was carrying it upstairs for me when he tripped on the cord and fell. I adore living up north for numerous reasons. The summers here are beautiful, and I adore the mountainous part that I am surrounded by. The Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. The leaves swings to beautiful, vibrant

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid. I always loved it whenever there was something going wrong with the heating or air conditioning at our house because I knew that meant that we were going to get a visit from Steve. Steve was this great big guy with a huge

Surprise discovery in the basement

Surprise discovery in the basement

My associate and I live in a region that has mild winters anyway and the homeowner had simply used a space furnace when it got freezing I work for a supplier that provides cleaning services for families after a person passes. Many times it is just too emotional for them or they are overwhelmed by

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be heaters

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be heaters

Every day of the week I have at least something going on that repeats itself every week. For example on Tuesday night I will come home from work and watch my TV shows. I watch about three TV shows on Tuesdays, two on Wednesdays, and four on Thursdays. You can say that I’m a TV