I Installed a Whole Home Air Purifier

I Installed a Whole Home Air Purifier

I’ve spent the past year trying to improve my indoor air quality. I never used to pay attention to the quality of my air, but when the pandemic hit and everyone began to panic about contracting a virus that was spreading rapidly, I dedicated my time at home to keeping my air clean. After all, I was breathing in this air all day everyday. The first and most obvious thing I did to improve my air quality was replace my air filter. I stopped using cheap, flimsy air filters and replaced them with HEPA certified ones. After doing some research on air filters, I discovered that the HEPA air filters were the best on the market and they were great at eliminating airborne illnesses from the air. Even after switching to HEPA air filters though, I still didn’t feel like my air was clean enough. I contacted my local HVAC company and asked what I could do to clean my air more. The first thing they asked was if I had a whole home air purifier. I’d never heard of this before, so I told them no. The HVAC professional on the phone said that a whole home air purifier was the best option for purifying the air in my entire home. I could install it to my current HVAC system and it would cleanse all the air that passed through and entered my home. According to the HVAC professional, it was cost effective and convenient. True to his word, I noticed a significant difference in my air quality as soon as the whole home air purifier was added.
Quality HVAC