Melting memories

Melting memories

Outdoor anniversarys are the worst! Trust me I have been to enough of them to know, I have seen everything from a snowstorm two afternoons so sizzling that it feels like you will pass out.

  • So when my best associate started planning her anniversary plus asked me to help I insisted on an indoor place.

She was planning her anniversary for the middle of May because she loved all of the flowers that were in bloom at that time of year. Normally the weather is genuinely mild at that time however you never know. I did not want to see her memories get ruined by the weather. She insisted however on a garden anniversary plus would hear nothing about any indoor place. All I wanted was a space for her to have a quality Heating & Air Conditioning system to keep them boiling or cool for her special afternoon, however seeing as this is what she wanted I went along with the plan. After all it was a year away plus you never knew what the weather was going to bring anyway ,I just hoped for the best for her. As the anniversary afternoon drew near, the weather forecast was calling for temperatures in the upper 80s plus at that point there was nothing my friend and I could do. The humidity was high on the afternoon of her anniversary plus was nowhere to escape it, my friend and I just had to make the best of it. The worst part was that the icing on the cake was melting long before she had a option to chop it. The staff at the place tried everything they could including setting up a fan near the cake stand. The nice news is she has married to her best friend, the awful news is that many of her photos will reflect the heat of the afternoon.

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