Our ad campaign worked like a charm

Our ad campaign worked like a charm

Business has been slow in our sleepy little town lately.

It seems that everyone is willing to drive two towns over to the bigger stores, dealerships, and businesses.

These larger companies advertise deals and sales that make it worth the drive I suppose. This makes it difficult for our hometown businesses to stay afloat and feed their families. This also makes it hard to compete when it comes to advertising offering discounts. With everything you can imagine being offered on the internet these days, things being delivered to your door within a few days, and the answer to any question found with a few keystrokes, I think that many of our small businesses will be out of business very soon. I started to do some research on ways to boost the customers for our local HVAC company. We were drowning in debt so there wasn’t much that could be spent on advertising. We decided to offer a maintenance plan to all of our customers if they signed up for an upgrade. I was able to make a Facebook page for the business and sent out a notice to everyone I knew with the special we were offering. I invited my friend list to “like” and “share” my new page too. It wasn’t as big of deal as those search engine pages but, it did help boost business. It just goes to show that even a small business can take advantage of the internet to draw in customers with a little bit of effort. There is even a way to post reviews of our work so that new, prospective customers will know that we go reliable work.

air quality systems