New store, new perspective

New store, new perspective

I have worked retail all my life, well, most of it anyway, and I can honestly say that I have enjoyed most of the jobs I have had.

The problem is that many of the old flag stores are closing up shop because the online shopping craze has put many of them in financial ruin.

I have worked with three different stores where I had to go through the, “going out of business”, nightmare and I don’t want to ever go through that again. The job I as just hired for should be different. I landed a job at an HVAC showroom where we demonstrate the capabilities of various systems. There are demo models for people to see how they operate and even a computer station to help them design a perfect system for their home. Making a major purchase such as a car, boat, or even an HVAC system takes that hands on approach. There is no way to look at something on a website and know that it will be perfect for your situation. Sure, you can buy all of those things online, but when you get it delivered and it isn’t right, you have to pay to have it shipped back. If you are smart you will take the time to visit your local HVAC dealer and talk to the experts. Not that I am that just yet, but I will point you in the direction of one who can help answer all of your questions. This allows you to shop with confidence and know that your money will be well spent.


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