Imagine a world with no Heating & Air Conditioning systems

Imagine a world with no Heating & Air Conditioning systems

I toil as a volunteer at a local retirement facility.

  • I toil with the residents on craft projects, help with social events, & even spend time visiting or just studying to them.

It is undoubtedly rewarding on multiple levels however one of my favorite things I like to do is just listen. They care about sharing their stories from the past & I find much of what they have to say fascinating. The life I have grown up in has been completely controlled by one form of electronic component or another. The world is at our fingertips, thanks to the internet, & my associate and I carry a iphone that is basically a small PC. My buddy and I can control our world remotely through websites & apps. Not only is this technology foreing to multiple of the residence, the items my associate and I control are too. Many of them grew up without things like PCs, security systems, Heating & Air Conditioning systems & even cars. I can’t imagine my life without any of these things. Most notably, my Heating & Air Conditioning system. I depend on it to keep me comfortable & my condo healthy year round. I have it completely controlled by my Smart Thermostat & I can log on at any moment from wherever I am to adjust it or ensure that it is running respectfully. When I listen to a resident telling me about the hard toil they had to do to keep their homes hot in the winter time & how happy they were when the first electric boilers came on the market I am simply astounded. I am really thrilled that my associate and I don’t have to go to those lengths any longer.


rooftop hvac