An unproper Christmas gift

An unproper Christmas gift

Most of us don’t really need more “stuff”, however they may need help paying the energy bills or other financial obligations

As a child you tend to ask for the most popular toy for Christmas. In most homes the excitement of the Season builds for weeks and seeing the kids faces on Christmas afternoon is really the unquestionably best feeling. As you get older you may wish for larger gifts and have no concept of the sacrifices your parents go through to try and get them for you. Once you are an adult your visions of the ideal Christmas present change dramatically. I know that when I was in my early twenties and trying to make ends meet I would have rather had someone pay a bill for me instead of giving me a jacket or something that I really didn’t need. There are many young and old people that entirely feel the same way. Most of us don’t really need more “stuff”, however they may need help paying the energy bills or other financial obligations. This may seem like an unproper Christmas gift however wouldn’t you rather pay to have someone’s heat left on for another month and making sure that they are comfortable and safe? Easing the financial burden for someone you enjoy may be the best way to say how much you care for them; Your parents, Grandparents or even a close neighbor may be too proud to ask for this assistance however in many cases you can get an idea of their need if you pay attention to their lifestyle. You can even make an anonymous payment in many cases if you don’t want them to know that you are aware of their situation.

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