I got lost looking for the new construction address

I got lost looking for the new construction address

On Monday morning, my boss sent me to the edge of town to work on a brand new construction HVAC installation. The new construction address was in a neighborhood that I did not recognize. The neighborhood was recently being built and there were only a couple of houses down there. The address for the new construction house was in a part of the town that has bad cell phone service. I got lost looking for the address and I couldn’t use my phone or the gps. I drove around for 10 or 15 minutes, while looking for the address. When I finally stumbled upon the house, I didn’t see any cards in the driveway. I had to get out and knock on the door. Thankfully there was someone inside of the building and that was the customer who was waiting for me. I grabbed a bag of tools and headed into the house. The customer showed me the area where the HVAC system was located. I performed a full system maintenance tune up on the equipment and I quickly realized where the problem was coming from. When the system was installed, a couple of wires were not tightened properly. As the machine was vibrating, those wires loosened up over time. It was actually a quite easy repair and I only charged the customer for the service tuna. I didn’t charge anything at all for tightening up the fittings. I also left a magnet with the customer and I put a sticker on the HVAC system. Hopefully she’ll call us again if there are any problems at all.


HVAC install