I had a job at the laundromat on Tuesday.
The owner of the laundromat called me because he was experiencing some trouble with the dryers on the west side of the building.
All of the dryers are connected to the gas furnace and heating system. Problems with the dryers are usually indicative of issues with the furnace or heating system. A customer called me to set up an appointment and I went to see the guy on Tuesday morning. I took a break from the job and went outside to smoke a cigarette. I stood next to my repair vehicle while I was smoking. The woman who owns the sub shop at the end of the street walked up to me and started a conversation. She had a couple of questions about the air conditioning in her business. I did my best to answer the questions for the customer. It’s hard to diagnose and troubleshoot issues when you aren’t physically looking at the machine. When I was done with my cigarette, I gave the lady a business card and told her to call me if she had any trouble. The next morning I received a phone call from the owner of the sub shop. She asked if I had some time this week to come to the business and work on the air conditioner. I made some time for the new customer. I was happy to pick up a new contract while fixing up the problem at the laundromat. I wish it was always that easy to find more clientele.