What is that burnt toast smell?

What is that burnt toast smell?

I can’t believe this weather my buddy and I are having; Yesterday it was 88 degrees plus super humid, but this afternoon it was 55 degrees plus frigid cold; It did moderate up a bit throughout the afternoon however nothing like it was last month.

I finally had enough of being frigid plus I decided to turn on the boiler for the first time since April.

It stunk pretty bad like burning toast. They say if you smell burning toast you might be having a stroke. I wasn’t having a stroke but I know my boiler might have been, but at first I thought the burning smell was just my boiler burning off some dust. After all, it smells rather strong every year when my buddy and I turn it on for the first time… However, this time the smell got stronger plus stronger. Then my smoke detectors turned on plus I could see smoke in the air. I quickly turned off my boiler plus then opened all the doors plus windows plus turned on my ceiling fans. It took a few minutes of ear-piercing beeps before the smoke detectors finally turned back off, not wanting to go through that again I decided to keep the boiler off until a boiler service company could come out plus take a look. Thankfully they were able to make it out this week. The boiler company cleaned my entire Heating as well as Air Conditioning system entirely well plus then she turned the boiler back on. There was no burnt toast smell plus my smoke detectors did not turn on. That is a bonus. I also found out this week that you are supposed to have your air conditioner plus boiler tested twice a year; Each time before using them. I had no idea however it totally makes sense.

