The pollen this year has been terrible and it’s affecting the indoor air quality

The pollen this year has been terrible and it’s affecting the indoor air quality

Since the pollen has been so bad this year, it’s really been affecting the indoor air quality in my house.

I don’t think that we have ever had any trouble with the indoor air quality in our house prior to this year.

I think that the pollen this year is worse than it has been in decades. I haven’t heard anyone else really talking about it all that much, but maybe we’re getting the worst of it here in the area of the county where we live. We are really close to the woods, and maybe all of the trees are shedding their pollen at the same time or something like that. I don’t really know. I mean, I’m not an arborist or anything like that. I really have no idea about what’s going on except for the fact that the indoor air quality in our house is terrible and I can’t breathe. I have been sneezing and coughing like crazy, and no amount of allergy pills is really helping me at all. We are going to have to do something drastic. Then I finally called the HVAC company to see if there was something they could help us with that would fix the air quality in the house. The HVAC technician that I spoke with suggested that we get something called a whole home air purification system to run in tandem with our existing air conditioning unit. I thought that sounded like a good idea until he told me how much it was going to cost us! Now I’m just going to go and try an anti-allergen air filter. Maybe that will help us a little bit, at least.

indoor air quality help