I had the weirdest dream last night.
I dreamt that I woke up plus it was day.
In my dream it was easily hot in the house. So hot that I could hardly breath. I went downstairs plus checked my temperature control plus it study 300 degrees. Of course I tried to adjust it but my home just got hotter plus hotter. It seemed that the more the a/c blew the warmer it got in the house… Finally, I woke up for real plus I realized that it was all just a dream. My home was entirely cool plus comfortable plus my temperature control study a comfy 78 degrees, and when I told my mom about the dream he said that dreams of Hell mean that you are sinning plus you need to repent plus change your ways. She said such dreams are a glimpse of the afterlife that awaits you, gee, thanks Mom. It is not like I’m doing a bunch of evil deeds that is, unless you count the fact that I have been neglecting my a/c system. I haven’t changed my air filter in almost a year plus I haven’t had the a/c unit maintained either. I keep meaning to but then my friend and I remember that I have a dirty air filter. I want to change the air filter before the service companys come over plus see what a exhausting guy I am. This results in me not having my a/c maintained. I also just keep forgetting about getting a modern air filter. I think the dream was a reflection of the Hell I might face if I don’t get on top of it. I already called up plus made an appointment to have my a/c maintained on Wednesday. This week, i will get a modern air filter on the way home from work.