Party home has air conditioning on too low

Party home has air conditioning on too low

My mom is regularly nagging me to dress warmly.

“You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a Summer party with a bunch of friends & my mom told me to grab a sweatshirt.

I didn’t want to even though she insisted. So, I finally threw an outdated sweatshirt in the car in order to make her happy. Boy am I cheerful that I did. The home the party was in was chilly cold. I mean they had the a/c blasting away all evening long. With my cut-off shorts & tank top I was super cold. I finally went outside & got my sweatshirt from my car. I didn’t look as stylish but at least I was a bit warmer. I don’t know how everyone else was able to sit it; People easily made a lot of comments about how freezing it was in the house. The homeowner pretended not to hear them! Either that or he didn’t have access to the control unit. I am not sure which. I know a lot of people throw parties when their parents are away. I don’t know this guy unquestionably well so I don’t know the family dynamics at all. All I do know is that the a/c was on way too low & my friend and I were all super cold. The party ended up wrapping up a bit early because my friend and I were all so uncomfortable. I was happy to get into my heated car & drive home. At least my home has comfortable control component settings.


geothermal heat pump