We picked the worst time ever to move south with no air conditioning

We picked the worst time ever to move south with no air conditioning

We picked literally the worst time ever to move down to the southern part of the country.

We knew when we decided to move that the house that we were moving to did not have a central air conditioning system in it.

It did not even have the ductwork in it that’s needed for central air conditioning! I really don’t know what we were thinking at that point. There is no way that either one of us is going to be able to live throughout the summer without central air conditioning. Moving down here has really made me question all of my choices over the past year. I really thought that I wanted to move down here where it is warm all the time, but now I am starting to think that we have made a terrible mistake. Yesterday the temperature was 92 degrees in the shade, and we are sitting in a house with a tin roof and no air conditioning. At one point, I actually thought I heard my skin start to sizzle because it’s like living inside of an oven. We are going to have to get on the ball and get central air conditioning installed in this house as soon as possible or we’re gonna have to move back to where we came from. Right now up there, the temperature is only in the mid 70s. That actually sounds like heaven to me at this point. I can’t believe that we made such a dumb mistake! Nobody in their right mind would actually move down here in the middle of the summer!


air conditioning