My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My spouse and I now have three dogs; When my associate and I first got married, I told him that I never wanted any creatures in the house.

I was great with having an outside dog, however he was never to come inside.

Well, my associate and I ended up getting a female dog, and he stayed outside until he gave birth to five adorable puppies. It was a little chilly outside when he gave birth, so I decided to bring his and his pups inside, then he never ended up going back outside after that. She became an inside dog, and so did one of his little puppies that my associate and I kept for ourselves. When our son turned seven years old, he wanted a puppy. I was undoubtedly hesitant at first, however he convinced me. Now, my associate and I have three dogs in the house, and it is crazy. I adore them all, however they can be a handful at times. One of my dogs chewed the cord to my number one space heater just a few days ago, and I am still concerned about it. Our house does not stay undoubtedly warm in the wintertime if my associate and I just run the boiler and nothing else, so my associate and I have a couple of space boilers that my associate and I use to help keep it warm. My spouse and I had one in our bedroom, and it was my number one space heater. It was actually our newest one as well. I had just bought it last winter. I usually close the door to our bedroom so that the dogs cannot get in there to chew anything, but I forgot one afternoon, and they got in there and chewed my exhausting space heater. Now, I have to see if I can find the same exact space heater because I enjoyed it so much.

energy saving help