My media air cleaner fell off of the porch and broke

My media air cleaner fell off of the porch and broke

I am a sucker for fads and trends.

I know that they do not last long, and they are not usually worth the money.

Even though I know these things, I still make the mistake of falling for them quite often. My mom was the same way, so I guess that I got it from her. I am part of a mom club at our church, and right now there is a trend going around about media air cleaners. It all started with one mom who heard from a buddy that the pollutants in the air of our homes is what is making our children sick. The news quickly spread around our group, and now most people is talking about media air cleaners and the need for them. It is almost like a sin if you do not have an media air cleaner for your home. Although I do not guess media air cleaners are as necessary as they are making them sound, I do guess that it is a nice idea to have one in my house, so I bought one. I looked online to find one that had nice reviews. I bought it and had it shipped to my house. It was delivered to my house when I was not home, so they left it on my porch. I got dwelling that evening, and it was dark so I did not see the media air cleaner. I opened the door quickly, and the door hit the media air cleaner and knocked it off of the porch. I quickly opened the box and found that it had broken into several pieces. I was so upset. I did not even get to try it out before it broke. I texted the corporation, so I am hoping that they will send me a up-to-date one.


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