When I get home from work I like to surf the internet. I’m really big with social media and I’m not afraid to say that I go on my social media accounts everyday and spend about two hours on them. A lot of my friends will post articles and research finds that are useful and are interesting. Compared to a lot of other people I know, they only go on social media sites to catch up on the latest gossip and drama. That is not the case for me. I recently read a really great article on heating and cooling systems. There’s a lot to HVAC systems that I’ve never read before, for example seasonal tune ups. I had no idea that my HVAC system should even have a seasonal tune up or did I realize that a maintenance plan is suggested by a lot of HVAC professionals. After reading this informational article, I feel like I really need to start paying more attention to my HVAC system. I can’t even tell you the last time I had my HVAC serviced. I also read that an HVAC air filter should be changed out every four months, depending on the location where you live, the amount of people that live in your home and the number of pets. I moved into my home about two years ago and I haven’t even changed the air filter since then and I don’t even know if the previous owners changed it either. I think it’s the right time to call my HVAC technician and take a lot at the heating and cooling system.