His roofing repair was subpar

His roofing repair was subpar

I have a buddy that is super handy but cheap as well as lazy, but he never does the quality of work that he is capable of. The guy can repair anything. He is great in electrical, plumbing as well as Heating, Ventilation plus A/C. The guy even worked for a building company for a

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

I am starting to know it is not going to toil out with my bestie. It is the little things that are getting to me, but like that he borrows my truck & returns it with an empty gas tank, then he also eats the last of the cereal & leaves the empty box on

The maid is off today

The maid is off today

I love this little machine. Teenagers can be quite a challenge and when you have triplets that are seventeen, challenge is putting is mildly. I have triplet boys and that makes it even worse. Each of them plays on a different sports team and the overall smell in their room is that of a sweaty

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be radiant heaters

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be radiant heaters

I thought it was weird noise because I never heard a sound like that before Every day of the week I have at least something going on that repeats itself every week. For example on Monday night I will come home from labor and watch my TV shows. I watch about three TV shows on

Party house has A/C on too low

Party house has A/C on too low

My mom is always nagging me to dress warmly. “You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a summer party with a bunch of friends and my mom told me to grab a sweatshirt. I didn’t want to but she insisted. So, I finally threw

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid. I always loved it whenever there was something going wrong with the heating or air conditioning at our house because I knew that meant that we were going to get a visit from Steve. Steve was this great big guy with a huge

Imagine a world with no Heating in addition to Air Conditioning systems

Imagine a world with no Heating in addition to Air Conditioning systems

I toil as a volunteer at a local retirement facility. I toil with the residents on craft projects, help with social events, in addition to even spend time going to see or just studying to them. It is easily rewarding on more than 2 levels but one of my number one things to do is

My pet chewed the cord to my space heater

My pet chewed the cord to my space heater

My hubby & I now have three pets. When we first got married, I told him that I never wanted any critters in the house. I was fantastic with having an outside pet, although she was never to come inside. Well, we ended up getting a female pet, & she stayed outside until she provided

Bursting pipes in  the middle of winter

Bursting pipes in the middle of winter

He knew which pipes to buy as a updatement plus even carried his Heating, Ventilation & A/C toolbox just in case he needed to get to repairing any of the A/C components, once the plumbing was one, he turned to the A/C to check what needed to be fixed My Heating, Ventilation & A/C professional

Trenchless plumbing is superior to conventional methods

Trenchless plumbing is superior to conventional methods

No one wants to think about their septic tank, drains or sewer lines. These essential components of the plumbing system typically get ignored until there is a problem. A cracked sewer line can quickly lead to a great deal of mess, expense and damage. Just a few short years ago, repairing a sewer line involved

My furnace is lovely

My furnace is lovely

My furnace is absolutely lovely; I’m so cheerful that I decided to switch and get a current heater, last year was when I switched over to a brand new furnace after living in the same home for three decades… My spouse and I obtained this home is a retirement home all these years ago and

Preparing for the cold winter season weather

Preparing for the cold winter season weather

They really go above plus beyond to make sure the client is constantly satisfied plus they have a the client is constantly right policy or even if they somehow mess up, which isn’tlikely because they’re undoubtedly professional, however if it does happen they’ll do everything in their power to right the wrong Every year it

Central air is a must.

Central air is a must.

All this moving around really helps the two of us know what my associate and I do & don’t want when my associate and I are finally ready to settle down & buy our own house, every dwelling has its up & down sides My hubby & I move a lot with his job. While

Other forms of Air Conditioners

Other forms of Air Conditioners

I don’t mind going to work in an actual office. I used to work from home plus periodically that had its ups plus downs. When I worked from home I was often distracted by my niece that I used to babysit. I realized that when she was asleep that was when I would get most

The furnace in my car suddenly stopped laboring

The furnace in my car suddenly stopped laboring

I swear that things go wrong during the worst times, then i have had the same car for over ten years now, & I prefer it. I bought it when it was about three years old, & it has absolutely been a great little car for me. It does great on gas mileage, & it

My space heater melted my chair

My space heater melted my chair

My spouse and I are finally finished remodeling our farmhouse. My nice friend and I have dreamed of living in a remodeled farmhouse for years and years, and now, our dreams have finally come true. My nice friend and I bought the old farmhouse three years ago for a undoubtedly inextravagant price. Over a period

Last weekend I signed up for an air filter delivery service

Last weekend I signed up for an air filter delivery service

When you have a lot of kids and a husband, you never really get much quiet time or time to yourself whenever you can be in charge of the TV yourself! So that’s why I end up watching late night TV, even though there are a ton of ads and commercials on at that time

The boss needs to make some fluctuations

The boss needs to make some fluctuations

Have you ever considered changing jobs because the career is uncomfortable? I never thought I would be thinking of doing just that however I simply can’t put up with my workspace any longer, but when I took the job nearly fifteen years ago I assumed that I would stay there through retirement. I work for

It’s nice to deal with an honorabledealer

It’s nice to deal with an honorabledealer

I am unquestionably grateful for the a/c contractor that my mom uses. She is getting a bit forgetful in her outdated age. She forgets things she used to know. That is why I am the one who takes care of all of her expenses now. As a side note, my number is on most of

Nothing to see here

Nothing to see here

Have you ever spent hours online trying to find the answer to something only to end up looking at something completely different? It happens to me all the time. I think that the internet has a way of drawing you in plus making you think that you are doing something productive; In fact, you are

Importance of duct cleaning

Importance of duct cleaning

The majority of homeowners never give their ductwork more than a passing thought. It’s easy to forget all about the concealed network of pipes. However, the ducts are responsible for delivering heated and cooled air to every room in the house. The breathing air passes through the ducty system multiple times per day. If there

Other forms of Air Conditioners

Other forms of Air Conditioners

I don’t mind going to labor in an actual office. I used to labor from house and periodically that had its ups and downs. When I worked from house I was often distracted by my niece that I used to babysit. I realized that when she was asleep that was when I would get most

Old Fashioned Heating.

Old Fashioned Heating.

I wouldn’t say I grew up in a lower class family, we never wanted for anything, but looking back, I have to wonder. We lived in the West so it never really got that cold but still, I have to question my parents’ choices for heating the house. We didn’t have central heating, or anything

What is a fan heater?

What is a fan heater?

I toil in a hotel & the thing I like most about my job is all of the interesting people I get to meet. The people from foreign countries are the best. I almost feel like I get to travel the word while never leaving my workplace. It can be challenging at times. Sometimes people

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

My partner as well as I learned the taxing way a few summers ago that you have to spend my money attention to your furnace in the summer time as well as not in the winter season months when you’re going to need it. A few years ago in the middle of a terrible winter

Outdoor Graduation party

Outdoor Graduation party

I was trying to plan my daughter’s graduation party when she threw me for a loop. I was shopping indoor sites because she was graduating late in the fall from university. She had worked difficult to receive her Master’s Degree in just under three years & I wanted to have a celebration to let her

Melting memories

Melting memories

Outdoor weddings are the worst! Trust me I have been to enough of them to know, I have seen everything from a snowstorm two days so hot that it feels like you will pass out. So when my best friend started planning her wedding and asked me to help I insisted on an indoor venue.

I prefer old HVAC units

I prefer old HVAC units

I have to supply my honest opinion here when it comes to cooling systems. I certainly prefer the old window cooling systems over this week’s central heating and cooling system’s cooling. There were many reasons for this. The first being that with an old window cooling system you do not have to spend money for

My son accidently broke my space heater

My son accidently broke my space heater

I love living up north for many reasons. The summers here are beautiful, and I love the mountainous area that I am surrounded by. The autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. The leaves changes to beautiful, vibrant colors, and I cannot help but get my camera out and take many pictures. My

Home remodel, modern Heating & Air Conditioning system

Home remodel, modern Heating & Air Conditioning system

My partner plus I recently decided that my buddy and I want to remodel our home, however we’ve been residing in this loft for about 15 years plus she entirely needs an upgrade, then even saving up a lot of money because my buddy and I want to basically split our loft plus start from

Puppy pet woes on a sizzling summer time day

Puppy pet woes on a sizzling summer time day

My sister has the biggest heart around and can’t resist any living creature. When she told me that she wanted to volunteer at the local pet shelter I knew it wouldn’t be long before she brought condo a current friend! Boy was I relieved when it was a puppy and not a lizard or something.

The maid is off this week

The maid is off this week

I adore this little machine. Teenagers can be quite a challenge and when you have triplets that are seventeen, challenge is putting is mildly. I have triplet guys and that makes it even worse. Each of them plays on a weird sports team and the overall smell in their room is that of a sweaty

Importance of duct cleaning

Importance of duct cleaning

The majority of homeowners never deliver their HVAC duct more than a passing thought. It’s easy to forget all about the concealed network of pipes. However, the ducts are responsible for delivering heated and cooled air to every room in the house. The breathing air passes through the ducty system multiple times per day. If

Unskippable heating and cooling ads

Unskippable heating and cooling ads

I love to watch a lot of different videos online, mostly educational stuff cause I’m always trying new things. However recently the ads have gotten out of control, it used to be right there just being an ad that would be anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds at the beginning of the video. Some of

The heater in my vehicle suddenly stopped working

The heater in my vehicle suddenly stopped working

I swear that things go wrong during the worst times. I have had the same vehicle for over ten years now, and I love it. I bought it when it was about three years old, and it has truly been a great little car for me. It does great on gas mileage, and it has

My space heater melted my chair

My space heater melted my chair

My husband and I are finally finished remodeling our farmhouse. My buddy and I have dreamed of living in a remodeled farmhouse for years and years, and now, our dreams have finally come true. My buddy and I bought the old farmhouse three years ago for a genuinely inpricey price. Over a period of two

A long frosty drive

A long frosty drive

My cousin called the other afternoon and was certainly aggravated, she had just returned from a trip with her friends and she wanted to tell me about it… She said that the locale they had visited was really gorgeous, however they had gone to a ski resort about 3 hours away and she said the

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

My friend and I looked into installing a permanent unit like a mini split ductless unit, but the cost was undoubtedly high. My parents are getting older & I constantly worry about them. So much so, that it takes away from my time with my own family. Many times, my wifey will want to plan

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be the furance

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be the furance

Every morning of the week I have at least something going on that repeats itself every week, then for example on Wednesday night I will come home from labor & watch my cable shows. I watch about three cable shows on Wednesdays, two on Mondays, & four on Wednesdays, you can say that I’m a

I have a whole home air purification machine

I have a whole home air purification machine

The best afternoons I cherish walking my dog is when there is superb air quality outside. Having superb air quality outside is the best time to do any kind of walking. And especially when it comes to walking my pet! This is the one reason why I like to take them for a walk in

My husband broke our air conditioner with his head

My husband broke our air conditioner with his head

All four of them were wrestling in the living room when my husband got up quickly and did not realize that he was right under the air conditioner. I have three handsome sons that I love so much, but I never pictured myself having all boys. I actually wanted all girls before our sons were

Interested in a smart thermostat

Interested in a smart thermostat

My current thermostat was already installed when we bought our house nearly twenty years ago. It’s a very simple plastic dial that requires manual adjustment and serves only a single function. While my husband and I have completed extensive remodeling, we overlooked the thermostat. We’ve replaced windows, added insulation and installed ceiling fans to help

Heating and cooling less space means lower energy costs

Heating and cooling less space means lower energy costs

My wife and I recently downsized our home. We realized that we were simply paying for more square footage than we needed. Despite the fact that she was five months pregnant, my wife agrees with me that even with a baby on the way, we could downsize to a smaller home and still be very

Outdoor Graduation get-together

Outdoor Graduation get-together

I was trying to plan my daughter’s graduation get-together when she threw me for a loop. I was shopping indoor arenas because she was graduating late in the fall from college. She had worked hard to receive her Master’s Degree in just under three years and I wanted to have a celebration to let her

Going on a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

Going on a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

My best friends and I do not get to see each other easily often. That is why my buddy and I try to do an annual summer time trip… Last year my buddy and I decided to go hiking and whitewater rafting. I am so glad that I am friends with people who adore to

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat for Christmas. We had been thinking about getting a new thermostat for the house for a while, but we had not gotten around to it. My mom knew that we were going to try and buy a new thermostat but she decided that she was going

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Every year it is the same thing around here. By the time that we are in October it is time to start preparing for those cold winter months. What better way to do that than to have your heating system tuned up? I use a gas furnace as my main heating source, and like any