Torn between home with gas fireplace plus electric fireplace

Torn between home with gas fireplace plus electric fireplace

I am currently looking to purchase a apartment for the first time, and i have seen over twenty homes plus I have tighted my search down to my two number one homes. The only major difference between the two homes I enjoy is that one has a gas fireplace plus one has an electric fireplace.

What is that burnt toast smell?

What is that burnt toast smell?

I can’t believe this weather my pal and I are having, and yesterday it was 88 degrees and super humid, then this afternoon it was 55 degrees and chilly cold… It did warm up a bit throughout the afternoon but nothing like it was yesterday. I finally had enough of being chilly and I decided

Importance of duct cleaning

Importance of duct cleaning

The majority of homeowners never deliver their HVAC duct more than a passing thought. It’s easy to forget all about the concealed network of pipes. However, the ducts are responsible for delivering heated and cooled air to every room in the house. The breathing air passes through the ducty system multiple times per day. If

Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can clean it

Having wood floors can be a pain, radiant floors can clean it

I entirely love my home, but there’s so much charisma to it that it sets it apart from all of the other homes in our community, and our community has a lot of nice homes however mine sticks out due to the exterior color plus the size of it… My apartment was built about 50

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

My parents are getting older plus I typically worry about them. So much so, that it takes away from my time with my own family. Many times, my partner will want to plan a family afternoon with the adolescents an I insist on taking my parents with us. This limits the arenas that my buddy

Her roofing repair was subpar

Her roofing repair was subpar

I have a buddy that is super handy however cheap plus lazy… She never does the quality of toil that she is capable of… The woman can repair anything. She is good in electrical, plumbing plus Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C. The woman even worked for a building company for a few years, in

seventh shift Heating plus Air Conditioning nightmare

seventh shift Heating plus Air Conditioning nightmare

Only particular people are chop out to labor 3rd Shift. You have to have a nocturnal personality to be able to handle the hours. Normally they start around 11 plus end at 7 in the morning, so when everyone are start their afternoon, you were at the end of yours. I have worked this shift

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

Hearing that the replacement of your Heating plus Air Conditioning system plus other appliances is not covered is absolutely not what you want… This only compounds the stress that you are already experiencing… Going without heat or a/c can not only be inconvenient however life threatening. After a major storm or disaster several people are

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Every year it is the same thing around here. By the time that we are in November it is time to start preparing for those cold winter months, however what better way to do that than to have your boiler tuned up? I use a gas furnace as my main heating source, & like any

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

I went to my sister’s house last week for a bit of a family reunion. She lives in the South and it was so hot and humid. We spent a lot of time outdoors Bar-B-Quing and just hanging out together in nature. She live in the woods and is very self sustaining. Andrea and her

The high levels of humidity make my floor slippery and dangerous

The high levels of humidity make my floor slippery and dangerous

I am worried too. My husband and I have really been considering moving north. We both grew up in the south, and we both have many friends and family here, but it is just not an easy place for us to live. I am basically allergic to the sun, so I cannot go outside for

Imagine a world with no Heating and Air Conditioning systems

Imagine a world with no Heating and Air Conditioning systems

I work as a volunteer at a local retirement facility. I work with the residents on craft projects, help with social events, and even spend time visiting or just reading to them. It is really rewarding on many levels but one of my favorite things I enjoy is just listen. They adore sharing their stories

How I found the right air filter

How I found the right air filter

If you are looking to get an air filter how do you find which one is right for you? One of the best ways you can find out what kind of air filter you need for your house is to have a heating plus AC business come out to your house plus take a look

My space heating system melted my chair

My space heating system melted my chair

My spouse as well as I are finally finished remodeling our farmhouse. My buddy and I have dreamed of living in a remodeled farmapartment for years as well as years, as well as now, our dreams have finally come true. My buddy and I purchased the outdated farmapartment three years ago for a actually infancy

His roofing repair was subpar

His roofing repair was subpar

She keeps thinking her man is going to step up and do the job I have a buddy that is super handy but cheap and lazy. He never does the quality of work that he is capable of. The guy can fix anything. He is great in electrical, plumbing and HVAC. The guy even worked

The heater in my car abruptly stopped working

The heater in my car abruptly stopped working

I swear that things go wrong while in the worst times. I have had the same car for over ten years now, and I adore it. I bought it when it was about three years old, and it has really been a great little car for me. It does great on gas mileage, and it

I dropped the window HVAC unit

I dropped the window HVAC unit

I can remember long ago the time I killed and totally destroyed my window cooling system. You see, I was trying to move it from one floor to another. And while going down the stairs I lost my balance and dropped the window cooling system! It literally crashed down the stairs and broke into a

Taking a Look at Air Filters

Taking a Look at Air Filters

I have a lot of memories as a kid. When I was younger I would regularly be outside playing. I was hardly ever indoors behind a cable or playing video games. Kids these mornings are regularly in front of the cable or behind some kind of screen playing games. I’m blissful that I wasn’t one

Preparing my home for winter

Preparing my home for winter

Recently I came across an article advice to prepare your house for winter. Most of the items were do-it-yourselfers and wouldn’t cost a thing. At the top of the list was to clean out gutters and downspouts. If these get clogged, it could cause leaks in the roof and/or ice dams. Next was an important

Home remodel, new Heating & A/C system

Home remodel, new Heating & A/C system

My fiance & I recently decided that my associate and I want to remodel our home, but we’ve been residing in this house for about 15 years & he easily needs an replace, even saving up a lot of money because my associate and I want to basically chop our house & start from scratch!

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

I am starting to know it is not going to toil out with my bestie. It is the little things that are getting to me, but like that he borrows my truck & returns it with an empty gas tank, then he also eats the last of the cereal & leaves the empty box on

I Chose the HVAC Company That Offered a “Comfort Club”

I Chose the HVAC Company That Offered a “Comfort Club”

I’ve spent a lot of time taking care of my HVAC system on my own. I always watched my dad service the furnace and air conditioner with ease, so I assumed it was something I had to learn to do myself once I moved into my first home too. I looked up how to change

Home remodel, new Heating, Ventilation & A/C system

Home remodel, new Heating, Ventilation & A/C system

My partner plus I recently decided that my buddy and I want to remodel our home, then we’ve been living in this apartment for about 15 years plus he actually needs an substitute; Even saving up a lot of money because my buddy and I want to basically split our apartment plus start from scratch!

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My husband and I now have three dogs. When we first got married, I told him that I never wanted any animals in the house. I was fine with having an outside dog, but he was never to come inside. Well, we ended up getting a female dog, and she stayed outside until she gave

An unusual Christmas gift

An unusual Christmas gift

As a child you tend to ask for the most popular toy for Christmas. In most homes the excitement of the Season builds for weeks and seeing the kids faces on Christmas morning is really the very best feeling. As you get older you may wish for bigger gifts and have no concept of the

An unproper Christmas gift

An unproper Christmas gift

Most of us don’t really need more “stuff”, however they may need help paying the energy bills or other financial obligations As a child you tend to ask for the most popular toy for Christmas. In most homes the excitement of the Season builds for weeks and seeing the kids faces on Christmas afternoon is

Installing a floor heater

Installing a floor heater

My partner works in the corporate department of a national heating plus cooling business. So she is always coming to me with these crazy ideas about having a brand modern heating plus cooling system installed in our house. I told my partner if she doesn’t stop reading the local Heating & Air Conditioning technology part

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

After a major storm or disaster many people are left homeless. Property damage can cost thousands to service plus if you are a homeowner then you need to make sure you are officially insured to cover those expenses. If you fail to study the enjoyable print on your policy you may be living with a

Joe had to pay double for an imofficially installed Heating plus A/C system

Joe had to pay double for an imofficially installed Heating plus A/C system

I never worked with anyone else when it came to Heating plus A/C installations plus repairs, but it was Martin, the old-time Heating plus A/C professional in the local Heating plus A/C business that I trusted. I would rather wait for him to complete his rounds if it was not an emergency operation, what’sWhat’s more,

Cat got outside yupterday, ended up coming back in the heat

Cat got outside yupterday, ended up coming back in the heat

I have two indoor cats! We do not let them outside because of the feral cats in our village. We would not want to risk them getting into fights or getting fleas… Even though our cats are strictly indoors, they often try to get outside when my friend and I open the front or back

Benefits of a heat pump

Benefits of a heat pump

The first heat pump was invented in 1948, when a homeowner decided to reuse the hot water from the operation of a deep cold freezer. Within a year, the homeowner replaced his coal furnace with his heating innovation. However, heat pumps would become popular until the 1970s. They gained attention during the oil crisis because

No room for Air conditioners

No room for Air conditioners

Living in the heart of the town can be a lot of fun. There is consistently something going on & most of the items that you need are within walking distance for the most part. I love the fact that I don’t even need to own a car because public transportation can take me to

Having 5g makes my work a little easier

Having 5g makes my work a little easier

There are about a dozen new neighborhoods being built down by the interstate and that is an area where there isn’t very good cell phone service. I’ve been to the area a couple of different times to fix or repair heating and cooling problems. I have a lot of trouble getting my work done in

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat for Christmas. We had been thinking about getting a new thermostat for the house for a while, but we had not gotten around to it. My mom knew that we were going to try and buy a new thermostat but she decided that she was going

Party household has A/C on too low

Party household has A/C on too low

My Dad is consistently nagging me to dress warmly. “You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a summer time celebration with a bunch of friends plus my Dad told me to grab a sweatshirt. I didn’t want to even though she insisted. So, I

His roofing service was subpar

His roofing service was subpar

I have a buddy that is super handy but cheap & lazy, then he never does the quality of work that he is capable of, and the guy can fix anything. He is great in electrical, plumbing & HVAC. The guy even worked for a building company for a few years, and in the end,

Window unit AC not working

Window unit AC not working

I woke up this morning to my bedroom being unusually warm. I was not sure if I had turned the AC on the night before, but I knew that something wasn’t right. My second thought was if I had developed a fever overnight. Maybe I was just warm and there was nothing wrong with the

Nancy’s mini split system stinks like an aged drain

Nancy’s mini split system stinks like an aged drain

Nancy was a long time from childhood, plus I was cheerful when he told me he had moved into my town plus neighborhood. I had to leave all my friends plus start a up-to-date life here when I got a up-to-date job. While I was cheerful plus already used to the swings, it was refreshing

Another sleepless night without air conditioning.

Another sleepless night without air conditioning.

When I woke up Monday morning, I couldn’t believe how uncomfortable it had gotten. I was hot and sticky, and couldn’t wait to get in the shower. I had to wash the sweat off my body because I knew I smelled. I called the HVAC company as soon as I got out of the shower,

Torn between house with gas fireplace plus electric fireplace

Torn between house with gas fireplace plus electric fireplace

I am currently looking to purchase a home for the first time! I have seen over twenty homes plus I have slimed my search down to my two number one homes; The only major difference between the two homes I cherish is that one has a gas fireplace plus one has an electric fireplace. They

Unskippable heating as well as cooling ads

Unskippable heating as well as cooling ads

I cherish to watch a lot of different videos online, mostly educational stuff cause I’m always trying new things; However recently the ads have gotten out of control, it used to be right there just being an ad that would be anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds at the start of the video. Some of

The maid is off today

The maid is off today

Teenagers can be quite a challenge & when you have triplets that are seventeen, challenge is putting is mildly. I have triplet men & that makes it even worse, each of them plays on a odd activitys team & the overall aroma in their room is that of a covered in sweat locker room. I

Change of Plans Due to Broken A/C

Change of Plans Due to Broken A/C

My bestie & I went out for lunch & a film last weekend. The lunch was nice however the filmplex was honestly hot. My associate and I noticed it as soon as my great friend and I walked in however it was an early showing so I hopped that it was just because they had

The right time to substitute the cooling system:

The right time to substitute the cooling system:

While every cooling system is efference, a system that receives official maintenance & typical care can be expected to last someplace from fifteen to twenty years, however, in areas with a tropical temperature, where the cooling system operates for more than fifty percent of the year, the machine may wear out more hastily, it can

Preparing for the cold winter time weather

Preparing for the cold winter time weather

Their prices are affordable, as well as all the heating they air conditioning system workers are super friendly Every year it is the same thing around here. By the time that we are in September it is time to start preparing for those cold winter time months, but what better way to do that than