It’s nice to deal with an honorabledealer

It’s nice to deal with an honorabledealer

I am unquestionably grateful for the a/c contractor that my mom uses. She is getting a bit forgetful in her outdated age. She forgets things she used to know. That is why I am the one who takes care of all of her expenses now. As a side note, my number is on most of

No A/C at the hotel

No A/C at the hotel

At least once a year I try to go plus travel internationally to a current country that I have never been to… I just started this travel goal of mine last year, however last year my pal and I made the choice to go to Europe plus i was entirely shocked because there is hardly

Boiler is ideal furnace for local weather

Boiler is ideal furnace for local weather

Living in the north eastern part of the country, the winter season weather lasts for more than fifty percent of the year. My good friend and I often rely on the furnace for eight to nine months. The conditions are most often wet in addition to chilly with rapidly changing temperatures below chilly. It’s not

Going on a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

Going on a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

My best friends and I do not get to see each other easily often. That is why my buddy and I try to do an annual summer time trip… Last year my buddy and I decided to go hiking and whitewater rafting. I am so glad that I am friends with people who adore to

Rental unit without air conditioning

Rental unit without air conditioning

My sister finally moved out of our parents home last fall and she really has enjoyed living on her own. I thought at one point she was going to live with them forever because she is already in her mid-twenties. Her apartment is really cute and throughout the winter, she was totally comfortable because the

Party house has A/C on too low

Party house has A/C on too low

My mom is always nagging me to dress warmly. “You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a summer party with a bunch of friends and my mom told me to grab a sweatshirt. I didn’t want to but she insisted. So, I finally threw

Heat from furnace rises straight up to the ceiling

Heat from furnace rises straight up to the ceiling

The winters in my local area are very long and super cold. With temperatures below freezing and feet of snow on the ground, we are trapped inside the house for more than half the year. The cost of running the furnace is a big drain on the household budget. I take the opportunity to thoroughly

Melting memories

Melting memories

Outdoor weddings are the worst! Trust me I have been to enough of them to know, I have seen everything from a snowstorm two days so hot that it feels like you will pass out. So when my best friend started planning her wedding and asked me to help I insisted on an indoor venue.

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

My parents are getting older and I constantly worry about them. So much so, that it takes away from my time with my own family. Many times, my wife will want to plan a family day with the kids an I insist on taking my parents with us. This limits the places that we can

It’s time for a new boiler

It’s time for a new boiler

I’ve been looking into a new boiler for my home. The new boiler was already installed when my family moved in almost twelve years ago. The heating system wasn’t new at that time. I’ve looked up the serial number and the boiler is over twenty years old. It has outlived the life expectancy of most

Rental unit without air conditioner

Rental unit without air conditioner

My sibling finally moved out of our parents apartment last fall & he actually has enjoyed residing on his own. I thought at one point he was going to live with them forever because he is already in his mid-twenties, but his apartment is actually cute & throughout the winter, he was totally comfortable because

Dreams about broken air conditioning systems

Dreams about broken air conditioning systems

I had the weirdest dream last evening. I dreamt that I woke up & it was afternoon. In my dream it was unquestionably overheated in the house. So overheated that I could hardly breath. I went downstairs & checked my control component & it read 300 degrees. Of course I tried to adjust it but

Torn between house with gas fireplace plus electric fireplace

Torn between house with gas fireplace plus electric fireplace

I am currently looking to purchase a home for the first time! I have seen over twenty homes plus I have slimed my search down to my two number one homes; The only major difference between the two homes I cherish is that one has a gas fireplace plus one has an electric fireplace. They

Puppy pet woes on a tepid Summer day

Puppy pet woes on a tepid Summer day

My brother has the greatest heart around & can’t resist any residing creature. When he told me that he wanted to volunteer at the local creature shelter I knew it wouldn’t be long before he brought condo a modern friend, however boy was I relieved when it was a puppy & not a lizard or

Buying a new home and gaining knowledge on HVAC systems and services

Buying a new home and gaining knowledge on HVAC systems and services

I just moved into my new home. I wouldn’t say it’s new, I would have to say that it’s new to me since I have never lived in my own home before. This is a big step for me and I am just starting to learn a lot of the intricacies and responsibilities of owning

A way to tell if your AC is busted

A way to tell if your AC is busted

While sitting on the couch with my family this night, I noticed that our AC was much louder than normal. I thought that the television was turned down low so I grabbed the remote, as well as turned up the volume, not much later, it seemed that the AC was getting louder. I went to

Nancy’s mini split system odors like an seasoned drain

Nancy’s mini split system odors like an seasoned drain

It intensified when my friend and I switched on the AC when my friend and I knew where the concern was. Nancy was a long time from childhood, & I was glad when she told me she had moved into my village & village. I had to leave all my friends & beginning a current

Home remodel, modern Heating & Air Conditioning system

Home remodel, modern Heating & Air Conditioning system

My partner plus I recently decided that my buddy and I want to remodel our home, however we’ve been residing in this loft for about 15 years plus she entirely needs an upgrade, then even saving up a lot of money because my buddy and I want to basically split our loft plus start from

Power outage in the dead of winter

Power outage in the dead of winter

Last year my hubby became honestly distraught about his parents. He tried to reach them for afternoons & there was no answer on their phone. This wasn’t like his mom not to return his calls so he called a friend who could go & check on them. Thankfully the friend still had a landline so

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My husband and I now have three cats, but when my buddy and I first got married, I told him that I never wanted any pets in the house. I was good with having an outside cat, but he was never to come inside. Well, my buddy and I ended up getting a female cat,

Planning a trip down south near the sand and renting out houses

Planning a trip down south near the sand and renting out houses

My best friends and I do not get to see each other easily often. That is why my pal and I try to do an annual summer time trip. Last year my pal and I went hiking and whitewater rafting. I am so blissful that I am friends with people who cherish to be outdoors.

New store, new perspective

New store, new perspective

I have worked retail all my life, well, most of it anyway, and I can sincerely say that I have enjoyed most of the tasks I have had. The problem is that several of the outdated flag stores are closing up shop because the online shopping craze has put several of them in financial ruin,

I dropped my a/c down the basement stairs

I dropped my a/c down the basement stairs

I am a born clutz. My spouse thinks it is hilarious, but I do not. I have broken so numerous bones in my lifetime that I have lost count, then one time, I broke my arm by falling on a small patch of ice in the middle of our driveway. It was literally only about

A way to tell if your A/C is wrecked

A way to tell if your A/C is wrecked

While kneeling on the couch with my family this evening, I noticed that our A/C was much louder than normal. I thought that the TV was turned down low so I grabbed the remote, plus turned up the volume, however not much later, it seemed that the A/C was getting louder. I went to the

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

I went to my sibling’s house last week for a bit of a family reunion. She lives in the South as well as it was so tepid as well as humid. My buddy and I spent a lot of time outdoors Bar-B-Quing as well as just hanging out together in nature. She live in the

I need new allergen reducing air filters

I need new allergen reducing air filters

We are having a terrible time with allergies this year. I have talked to several different people at work and at church and they all say the same thing. The allergens around here this year are on a whole new level for some reason or another. I guess the trees and the plants and flowers

The weather is so up and down, I can have A/C on one day and heat on the next

The weather is so up and down, I can have A/C on one day and heat on the next

I live in the southeastern region of the country. The weather is generally beautiful here and many people move from the northeastern region of the country to escape the cold. Usually winters are mild and it does get cold but it does not snow. The spring time is beautiful and warm. The fall is typically

I Want to Lower My Utility Bills For The Summer

I Want to Lower My Utility Bills For The Summer

I always hire an Heating & Air Conditioning professional to service my Heating & Air Conditioning system twice per year. I guess it’s essential to have this done in order to maximize efficiency and also keep all the equipment running properly. Even with hiring an Heating & Air Conditioning professional to service my air conditioning

The right time to update the a/c:

The right time to update the a/c:

While every a/c is efference, a system that receives proper service plus proper care can be expected to last someplace from fifteen to twenty years, however, in areas with a tropical weather conditions, where the a/c operates for more than fifty percent of the year, the equipment may wear out more suddenly, and it can

I prefer old HVAC units

I prefer old HVAC units

I have to supply my honest opinion here when it comes to cooling systems. I certainly prefer the old window cooling systems over this week’s central heating and cooling system’s cooling. There were many reasons for this. The first being that with an old window cooling system you do not have to spend money for

Heating & cooling less space means smaller utility bills

Heating & cooling less space means smaller utility bills

My partner & I recently downsized our home. My associate and I realized that my pal and I were simply paying for more square footage than my pal and I needed; Despite the fact that she was five months pregnant, my partner agrees with me that even with a baby on the way, my pal

Our ad campaign worked like a charm

Our ad campaign worked like a charm

Business has been slow in our fatigued little neighborhood lately. It seems that all the people is willing to drive two towns over to the larger stores, dealerships, and businesses. These larger companies advertise deals and sales that make it worth the drive I suppose. This makes it difficult for our hometown corporations to stay

A way to tell if your AC is damaged

A way to tell if your AC is damaged

While sitting on the couch with my family this night, I noticed that our AC was much louder than normal. I thought that the TV was turned down low so I grabbed the remote, plus turned up the volume! Not much later, it seemed that the AC was getting louder. I went to the control

Home remodel, new Heating, Ventilation & A/C system

Home remodel, new Heating, Ventilation & A/C system

My partner plus I recently decided that my buddy and I want to remodel our home, then we’ve been living in this apartment for about 15 years plus he actually needs an substitute; Even saving up a lot of money because my buddy and I want to basically split our apartment plus start from scratch!

Importance of duct cleaning

Importance of duct cleaning

The majority of homeowners never deliver their HVAC duct more than a passing thought. It’s easy to forget all about the concealed network of pipes. However, the ducts are responsible for delivering heated and cooled air to every room in the house. The breathing air passes through the ducty system multiple times per day. If

How I found the right air filter

How I found the right air filter

I’ve been using one for a while now and they’ve been working great for me If you’re looking to get an air filter how do you find which one is right for you? One of the best ways you can find out what kind of air filter you need for your home is to have

Installing a floor furnace

Installing a floor furnace

My fiance works in the corporate department of a national heating & cooling dealer. So he is always coming to me with these crazy ideas about having a brand new heating & cooling system installed in our house. I told my fiance if he doesn’t stop learning the local Heating & A/C technology part of

The maid is off this week

The maid is off this week

I prefer this little machine. Teenagers can be quite a challenge in addition to when you have triplets that are seventeen, challenge is putting is mildly. I have triplet guys in addition to that makes it even worse… Each of them plays on a odd athletic activitys team in addition to the overall aroma in

The high levels of humidity make my floor slippery & dangerous

The high levels of humidity make my floor slippery & dangerous

My hubby & I have absolutely been considering moving north, we both grew up in the south, & we both have many friends & family here, however it is just not an easy site for us to live. I am basically allergic to the sun, so I cannot go outside for most of the year

I dropped my air conditioner down the basement stairs

I dropped my air conditioner down the basement stairs

I am a born clutz. My spouse thinks it is hilarious, but I do not. I have broken so numerous bones in my lifetime that I have lost count. One time, I broke my arm by falling on a small patch of ice in the middle of our driveway. It was literally only about five

Central air is a must.

Central air is a must.

My husband and I move a lot with his job. While looking for houses to rent in a new town, the first thing I look for is central heating and air conditioning. I grew up with space heaters and window air conditioners, and the first place my husband and I rented had space heaters and

Pencil shaving are in my air conditioner

Pencil shaving are in my air conditioner

I am starting to think it is not going to work out with my girlfriend. It is the little things that are getting to me. Like that she borrows my truck and returns it with an empty gas tank. She also eats the last of the cereal and leaves the empty box on top of

My whole-apartment air purifier fell off of the porch & broke

My whole-apartment air purifier fell off of the porch & broke

I am a sucker for fads & trends. I know that they do not last long, & they are not usually worth the money. Even though I know these things, I still make the mistake of falling for them quite often. My Dad was the same way, so I assume that I got it from

Torn between home with gas fireplace and electric fireplace

Torn between home with gas fireplace and electric fireplace

I am currently looking to purchase a property for the first time, and i have seen over twenty homes and I have tighted my search down to my two number one homes, then the only major difference between the two homes I cherish is that one has a gas fireplace and one has an electric

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

They are going to have an HVAC professional come out & asses the situation before they proceed with the add-on. I went to my sister’s dwelling last month for a bit of a family reunion. She lives in the South & it was so tepid & humid. My pal and I spent a lot of

The heating system in my automobile suddenly stopped toiling

The heating system in my automobile suddenly stopped toiling

I swear that things go wrong during the worst times, and i have had the same automobile for over ten years now, as well as I cherish it. I purchased it when it was about three years old, as well as it has easily been a great little car for me. It does great on

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I spent a few months saving my money for a smart thermostat, then my Heating as well as A/C specialist consistently told me how much she appreciated smart thermostats and was regularly telling me how it would lower my energy costs; When she first mentioned a smart thermostat to me, I assumed she was trying