Need to cool one room only, no problem!

Need to cool one room only, no problem!

My friend and I looked into installing a permanent unit like a mini split ductless unit, but the cost was entirely high. My parents are getting older & I consistently worry about them. So much so, that it takes away from my time with my own family. Many times, my husband will want to plan

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be heaters

Hearing a noise at night, turned out to be heaters

Every day of the week I have at least something going on that repeats itself every week. For example on Tuesday night I will come home from work and watch my TV shows. I watch about three TV shows on Tuesdays, two on Wednesdays, and four on Thursdays. You can say that I’m a TV

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

I so hope that it works out. I went to my sister’s house last monthfor a bit of a family reunion. She lives in the South and it was so sizzling and humid. My fantastic friend and I spent a lot of time outdoors Bar-B-Quing and just hanging out together in nature. She live in

What is that burnt toast smell?

What is that burnt toast smell?

I can’t believe this weather we are having. Yesterday it was 88 degrees and super humid. This morning it was 55 degrees and freezing cold. It did warm up a bit throughout the day but nothing like it was yesterday. I finally had enough of being cold and I decided to turn on the furnace

No air conditioner at the hotel

No air conditioner at the hotel

The windows were open plus I can remember perspiring plus needing a lot of ice water to drink just stay cool. At least once a year I try to go plus travel internationally to a current country that I have never been to, then i just started this travel goal of mine last year, but

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Every year it is the same thing around here. By the time that we are in November it is time to start preparing for those cold winter months, however what better way to do that than to have your boiler tuned up? I use a gas furnace as my main heating source, & like any

Window component AC not operating

Window component AC not operating

I woke up this afternoon to my dining room being unusually warm; I was not sure if I had turned the AC on the night before, but I knew that something wasn’t right! My second thought was if I had developed a fever overnight. Maybe I was just moderate and there was nothing wrong with

Fond memories of blizzards

Fond memories of blizzards

When I was a kid, I thought blizzards were great. School would be cancelled and my siblings and I would take full advantage of the unexpected vacation day. We were serious board game players, and after playing two or three, we would always want to play outside in the snow. Layers and layers of snow

A long cold drive

A long cold drive

My cousin called the other afternoon plus was easily frustrated, he had just returned from a trip with his friends plus he wanted to tell me about it, then he said that the arena they had visited was particularly gorgeous, they had gone to a ski resort about 3 hours away plus he said the

Ways to improve indoor air quality

Ways to improve indoor air quality

There are sources of air pollutants in every room in the house! From pets and pesticides to cooking, showering and cleaning, all sorts of harmful toxins can become trapped inside the living space and create health concerns. It’s often necessary to take proactive measures. Indoor air quality accessories labor with the central heating and cooling

Power outage in the dead of winter

Power outage in the dead of winter

Last year my hubby became honestly distraught about his parents. He tried to reach them for afternoons & there was no answer on their phone. This wasn’t like his mom not to return his calls so he called a friend who could go & check on them. Thankfully the friend still had a landline so

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

Air conditioning provides cool oasis in Southern heat

I went to my sibling’s cabin last month for a bit of a family reunion. She lives in the South & it was so sizzling & humid. My associate and I spent a lot of time outdoors Bar-B-Quing & just hanging out together in nature. She live in the woods & is very self sustaining.

Home remodel, new Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system

Home remodel, new Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system

My hubby as well as I recently decided that my buddy and I want to remodel our home, and we’ve been living in this cabin for about 15 years as well as he legitimately needs an upgrade, then even saving up a lot of currency because my buddy and I want to basically cut our

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

There Wasn’t Central Heat In The Cabin Rental

My family decided to start a modern tradition this year. As soon as my associate and I were done opening presents on Christmas afternoon, my associate and I all got in the vehicle and headed into the mountains for a cozy getaway. We wanted to spend time skiing, snowboarding, eating fantastic food, and care about

Joe had to pay double for an improperly installed HVAC system

Joe had to pay double for an improperly installed HVAC system

I never worked with anyone else when it came to HVAC installations and repairs. It was Martin, the old-time HVAC technician in the local HVAC business that I trusted. I would rather wait for him to complete his rounds if it was not an emergency operation. What’sWhat’s more, every time I called the company for

Preparing my loft for winter

Preparing my loft for winter

Recently I came across an article advice to prepare your home for winter. Most of the items were do-it-yourselfers as well as wouldn’t cost a thing. At the top of the list was to wash out gutters as well as downspouts. If these get plugged, it could cause leaks in the roof and/or ice dams.

A big winter storm

A big winter storm

My family lives in an section of the country that experiences serious winter weather almost all year round. I suppose our first snowstorm last year happened in October which is pretty crazy! I know most locales that experience such chilly weather have nice summer time weather to balance it out, however, in the section that

New store, modern perspective

New store, modern perspective

I have worked retail all my life, well, most of it anyway, & I can easily say that I have enjoyed most of the tasks I have had. The concern is that multiple of the old flag stores are closing up shop because the online shopping craze has put multiple of them in financial ruin,

Heating and cooling less space means lower energy costs

Heating and cooling less space means lower energy costs

My wife and I recently downsized our home. We realized that we were simply paying for more square footage than we needed. Despite the fact that she was five months pregnant, my wife agrees with me that even with a baby on the way, we could downsize to a smaller home and still be very

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My husband and I now have three cats, but when my buddy and I first got married, I told him that I never wanted any pets in the house. I was good with having an outside cat, but he was never to come inside. Well, my buddy and I ended up getting a female cat,

How to make oversized air filters work

How to make oversized air filters work

That is the way air filters work! Of course if you want to avoid having to alter the air filters you buy all together you can just check your central heating and cooling system’s air vent and air filter areas and find out the exact size of the air filters you need by measuring it

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

It was impossible to get an Heating & A/C company out to the house because the streets were snowed in & everyone on our block had lost power as well… So my associate and I decided that from now on my associate and I were going to call a local Heating & A/C company to

Melting memories

Melting memories

Outdoor anniversarys are the worst! Trust me I have been to enough of them to know, I have seen everything from a snowstorm two afternoons so sizzling that it feels like you will pass out. So when my best associate started planning her anniversary plus asked me to help I insisted on an indoor place.

The right time to substitute the cooling system:

The right time to substitute the cooling system:

While every cooling system is efference, a system that receives official maintenance & typical care can be expected to last someplace from fifteen to twenty years, however, in areas with a tropical temperature, where the cooling system operates for more than fifty percent of the year, the machine may wear out more hastily, it can

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

I am starting to know it is not going to toil out with my bestie. It is the little things that are getting to me, but like that he borrows my truck & returns it with an empty gas tank, then he also eats the last of the cereal & leaves the empty box on

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid

The HVAC technician was my favorite person when I was a kid. I always loved it whenever there was something going wrong with the heating or air conditioning at our house because I knew that meant that we were going to get a visit from Steve. Steve was this great big guy with a huge

Writing down Heating & A/C appointments on paper is beneficial

Writing down Heating & A/C appointments on paper is beneficial

Call me old-fashioned, although I still do a lot of things that are more of the traditional ways. For example I like to buy a newspaper in the day and catch up on up-to-date events. I also like to have a paper calendar and write down things that I’m doing or places that I’m going,

The furnace in my car suddenly stopped laboring

The furnace in my car suddenly stopped laboring

I swear that things go wrong during the worst times, then i have had the same car for over ten years now, & I prefer it. I bought it when it was about three years old, & it has absolutely been a great little car for me. It does great on gas mileage, & it

Central air is a must.

Central air is a must.

My husband and I move a lot with his job. While looking for houses to rent in a new town, the first thing I look for is central heating and air conditioning. I grew up with space heaters and window air conditioners, and the first place my husband and I rented had space heaters and

Planning a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

Planning a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

My best friends and I don’t get to see each other very often. That is why we try to do an annual summer trip. Last year we went hiking and whitewater rafting. I’m so happy that I am friends with people who love to be outdoors. I’m very outdoorsy person and that is why I

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

After a major storm or disaster many people are left homeless. Property detriment can cost thousands to repair and if you are a homeowner then you need to make sure you are constantly insured to cover those expenses; If you fail to read the enjoyable print on your policy you may be living with a

I prefer old HVAC units

I prefer old HVAC units

I have to supply my honest opinion here when it comes to cooling systems. I certainly prefer the old window cooling systems over this week’s central heating and cooling system’s cooling. There were many reasons for this. The first being that with an old window cooling system you do not have to spend money for

Power outage in the dead of winter

Power outage in the dead of winter

Last month my husband became really worried about his parents. He tried to reach them for days and there was no answer on their phone. This wasn’t like his mom not to return his calls so he called a neighbor who could go and check on them. Thankfully the neighbor still had a landline so

Last week my son got sick while working at his HVAC job

Last week my son got sick while working at his HVAC job

Last week my son got sick while working at his HVAC job. He barely ever calls in sick or even goes in late to work for anything so when he called me and told me that he was on his way home that day early, I knew that there was definitely something that was going

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I spent a few months saving my money for a smart thermostat… My Heating, Ventilation, and A/C serviceman consistently told me how much he enjoyed smart thermostats and was always telling me how it would lower my utility bills; When he first mentioned a smart thermostat to me, I assumed he was trying to sell

House being very dusty plus needing to check air filter

House being very dusty plus needing to check air filter

Living with my parents can be a little rough, but i don’t remember them ever being so frustrating plus taxing on me when I was living with them in high college; Now that I’m out of college plus had to transport back household to save money, they are on my case consistently! I am in

Great memories of blizzards

Great memories of blizzards

When I was a kid, I thought blizzards were great… School would be cancelled and my siblings and I would take full advantage of the unexpected vacation day, but my associate and I were drastic board game players, and after playing two or three, my associate and I would consistently want to play outside in

Party household has A/C on too low

Party household has A/C on too low

My Dad is consistently nagging me to dress warmly. “You know, it’s a myth that you catch colds from being cold, Mom.” Anyway, I was going to a summer time celebration with a bunch of friends plus my Dad told me to grab a sweatshirt. I didn’t want to even though she insisted. So, I

His roofing service was subpar

His roofing service was subpar

I have a friend that is super handy however cheap and lazy… He never does the quality of toil that he is capable of… The guy can fix anything. He is fantastic in electrical, plumbing and Heating and A/C. The guy even worked for a building business for a few years, but in the end,

Interested in a smart control unit

Interested in a smart control unit

My new control unit was already installed when my associate and I bought our dwelling nearly twenty years ago. It’s a undoubtedly easy plastic dial that requires manual adjustment & serves only a single function. While my husband & I have completed extensive remodeling, my associate and I overlooked the control unit. We’ve replaced windows,

My hubby broke our cooling system with her head

My hubby broke our cooling system with her head

I have three handsome sons that I prefer so much, however I never pictured myself having all boys. I actually wanted all girls before our sons were born. I guess God knew what I needed because I would not trade my women for a million girls. They are so much fun! They know that I

I Installed a Whole Home Air Purifier

I Installed a Whole Home Air Purifier

I’ve spent the past year trying to improve my indoor air quality! I never used to pay attention to the quality of my air, however when the pandemic hit as well as everyone began to panic about contracting a virus that was spreading abruptly, I dedicated my time at household to keeping my air clean!

Change of Plans Due to Broken air conditioning

Change of Plans Due to Broken air conditioning

He said he did so my associate and I got out of there & went to an arcade instead My boyfriend & I went out for dinner & a movie last weekend. The dinner was nice however the theater was really hot. My pal and I observed it as soon as my associate and I

Another sleepless night without air conditioning.

Another sleepless night without air conditioning.

When I woke up Monday morning, I couldn’t believe how uncomfortable it had gotten. I was hot and sticky, and couldn’t wait to get in the shower. I had to wash the sweat off my body because I knew I smelled. I called the HVAC company as soon as I got out of the shower,

Tips to find a unbelievable Heating & Air Conditioning supplier when you move

Tips to find a unbelievable Heating & Air Conditioning supplier when you move

Moving is stressful but can also be exciting. The stressful components of a transfer include financial burden, logistics of setting up moving trucks, physical labor, and traveling. The exciting parts include a fresh start, a modern home, and modern opportunities. When you transfer to a modern village or a modern state, there are multiple companies