Last week my son got sick while working at his HVAC job.
He barely ever calls in sick or even goes in late to work for anything so when he called me and told me that he was on his way home that day early, I knew that there was definitely something that was going on with him.
Sure enough, he somehow ended up with that terrible stomach bug that is going around here! People all over the county have been dropping like flies with the stomach bug over the last couple of weeks, and I guess he just picked up the germ from somewhere while he was out working. He does a lot of commercial HVAC work around town and I know that he probably picked something up while he was out doing air conditioning tune ups at restaurants and small businesses earlier in the week. He’s right in the middle of the busy air conditioning tune up season. That always happens around this time of year. He is usually just slammed at work and so I was really surprised whenever he said that he was going to be taking a couple of days off. I guess the stomach bug really hit him hard. You can’t exactly get very much work done whenever you’re sick like that, that’s for sure. I’m glad that he’s feeling better now because the HVAC company is so busy with appointments. They really need him back at work. He said that they called him three times while he was home just to see how he was feeling.