The maid is off today

The maid is off today

I love this little machine. Teenagers can be quite a challenge and when you have triplets that are seventeen, challenge is putting is mildly. I have triplet boys and that makes it even worse. Each of them plays on a different sports team and the overall smell in their room is that of a sweaty

The maid is off this week

The maid is off this week

Teenagers can be quite a challenge and when you have triplets that are seventeen, challenge is putting is mildly. I have triplet guys and that makes it even worse, and each of them plays on a odd sports team and the overall odor in their room is that of a boiling locker room. I needed

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

Insurance doesn’t cover everything

After a major storm or disaster many people are left homeless. Property detriment can cost thousands to repair and if you are a homeowner then you need to make sure you are constantly insured to cover those expenses; If you fail to read the enjoyable print on your policy you may be living with a

Home remodel, modern Heating & Air Conditioning system

Home remodel, modern Heating & Air Conditioning system

My partner plus I recently decided that my buddy and I want to remodel our home, however we’ve been residing in this loft for about 15 years plus she entirely needs an upgrade, then even saving up a lot of money because my buddy and I want to basically split our loft plus start from

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat

Last year my mom got us a new thermostat for Christmas. We had been thinking about getting a new thermostat for the house for a while, but we had not gotten around to it. My mom knew that we were going to try and buy a new thermostat but she decided that she was going

Cat got outside sureterday, ended up coming back in the heat

Cat got outside sureterday, ended up coming back in the heat

I have two indoor cats, we do not let them outside because of the feral cats in our town. We would not want to risk them getting into fights or getting fleas; Even though our cats are strictly indoors, they often try to get outside when we open the front or back doors. I regularly

Puppy animal woes on a boiling Summer afternoon

Puppy animal woes on a boiling Summer afternoon

My sister has the biggest heart around and can’t resist any residing creature. When she told me that she wanted to volunteer at the local animal shelter I knew it wouldn’t be long before she brought house a new friend, but girl was I relieved when it was a puppy and not a lizard or

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

Paying attention to our furnace in the summer

My partner as well as I learned the taxing way a few summers ago that you have to spend my money attention to your furnace in the summer time as well as not in the winter season months when you’re going to need it. A few years ago in the middle of a terrible winter

Lots of cats and heating/cooling maintenance

Lots of cats and heating/cooling maintenance

The regular upkeep ensures that the components are clean and kept in peak working order. I volunteer at an animal shelter where we rescue abandoned, abused or stray dogs and cats. We make every effort to place these animals in a good home. I have brought home five cats that now live with me. While

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My dog chewed the cord to my space heater

My husband and I now have three cats, but when my buddy and I first got married, I told him that I never wanted any pets in the house. I was good with having an outside cat, but he was never to come inside. Well, my buddy and I ended up getting a female cat,

No room for Air conditioners

No room for Air conditioners

Living in the heart of the city can be a lot of fun. There is always something going on and most of the items that you need are within walking distance for the most part. I love the fact that I don’t even need to own a car because public transportation can take me to

Trenchless plumbing is superior to conventional methods

Trenchless plumbing is superior to conventional methods

No one wants to feel about their septic tank, drains or sewer lines! These essential components of the plumbing system constantly get ignored until there is a problem, but a cracked sewer line can swiftly lead to a good deal of mess, expense as well as disfigurement; Just a few short years ago, repairing a

A long cold drive

A long cold drive

Traveling several hours, while being uncomfortable, just seems to ruin the entire experience My cousin called the other day and was very upset, she had just returned from a trip with her friends and she wanted to tell me about it. She said that the place they had visited was absolutely gorgeous. They had gone

Buying an older cabin and figuring out when to update air conditioner

Buying an older cabin and figuring out when to update air conditioner

My wife and I recently moved out of our 3 living room home, however our cabin-like house was easily nice and quaint, however it was not fit for starting a family; My wife and I just got married about a year ago and we’re looking to settle down into a bigger house to start having

No one wanted an air conditioner more than me.

No one wanted an air conditioner more than me.

Our local television channel was holding a contest. In 100 words or less, you had to convince them why you wanted an air conditioner, and why you should have it more than anyone else. I sat there listening to the rules of the contest. I needed a new window air conditioning unit. The one I

Window component AC not operating

Window component AC not operating

I woke up this afternoon to my dining room being unusually warm; I was not sure if I had turned the AC on the night before, but I knew that something wasn’t right! My second thought was if I had developed a fever overnight. Maybe I was just moderate and there was nothing wrong with

No a/c at the hotel

No a/c at the hotel

At least once a year I try to go and travel internationally to a new country that I have never been to… I just started this travel goal of mine last year! Last year my associate and I made the decision to go to Europe and i was easily shocked because there is hardly any

My space heater melted my chair

My space heater melted my chair

My spouse and I are finally finished remodeling our farmhouse. My nice friend and I have dreamed of living in a remodeled farmhouse for years and years, and now, our dreams have finally come true. My nice friend and I bought the old farmhouse three years ago for a undoubtedly inextravagant price. Over a period

How I found the right air filter

How I found the right air filter

If you are looking to get an air filter how do you find which one is right for you? One of the best ways you can find out what kind of air filter you need for your home is to have a heating as well as A/C contractor come out to your home as well

Interested in a smart thermostat

Interested in a smart thermostat

My new thermostat was already installed when my buddy and I bought our condo nearly twenty years ago. It’s a actually easy plastic dial that requires manual adjustment plus serves only a single function. While my husband plus I have completed extensive remodeling, my buddy and I overlooked the thermostat. We’ve replaced windows, added insulation

How I found the right air filter

How I found the right air filter

I’ve been using one for a while now and they’ve been working great for me If you’re looking to get an air filter how do you find which one is right for you? One of the best ways you can find out what kind of air filter you need for your home is to have

My hubby broke our cooling system with her head

My hubby broke our cooling system with her head

I have three handsome sons that I prefer so much, however I never pictured myself having all boys. I actually wanted all girls before our sons were born. I guess God knew what I needed because I would not trade my women for a million girls. They are so much fun! They know that I

My space heater melted my chair

My space heater melted my chair

My husband and I are finally finished remodeling our farmhouse. My buddy and I have dreamed of living in a remodeled farmhouse for years and years, and now, our dreams have finally come true. My buddy and I bought the old farmhouse three years ago for a genuinely inpricey price. Over a period of two

Importance of duct cleaning

Importance of duct cleaning

There are lots of sources of air pollution in the home, however most of the time, dust, bacteria in addition to mold spores are coming from the vents. The majority of homeowners never deliver their ductwork more than a passing thought. It’s easy to forget all about the concealed network of pipes. However, the ducts

No room for Air conditioners

No room for Air conditioners

Living in the heart of the town can be a lot of fun. There is always something going on plus most of the items that you need are within walking distance for the most part. I cherish the fact that I don’t even need to own a car because public moveation can take me to

Surprise discovery in the basement

Surprise discovery in the basement

As my great friend and I cleared the section I was shocked to see that it was an seasoned coal burning unit plus I couldn’t help however wonder when the last time was that it had been used I work for a contractor that provides cleaning services for families after a lady passes. Many times

Other forms of Air Conditioners

Other forms of Air Conditioners

I don’t mind going to work in an actual office. I used to work from apartment plus sometimes that had its ups plus downs. When I worked from apartment I was often distracted by my niece that I used to babysit. I realized that when she was asleep that was when I would get most

Surprise discovery in the basement

Surprise discovery in the basement

I labor for a business that provides cleaning services for families after a man passes. Many times it is just too emotional for them or they are overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that a man has collected. Often times my associate and I have encountered homes that are so packed with useless items that

The right time to replace the air conditioner system:

The right time to replace the air conditioner system:

While every air conditioner system is efference, a system that receives respected maintenance plus typical care can be expected to last anywhere from fifteen to twenty years, but however, in areas with a tropical temperature, where the air conditioner system operates for more than fifty percent of the year, the unit may wear out more

My husband broke our air conditioner with his head

My husband broke our air conditioner with his head

All four of them were wrestling in the living room when my husband got up quickly and did not realize that he was right under the air conditioner. I have three handsome sons that I love so much, but I never pictured myself having all boys. I actually wanted all girls before our sons were

My air purification system fell off of the porch as well as broke

My air purification system fell off of the porch as well as broke

I am a sucker for fads as well as trends. I know that they do not last long, as well as they are not usually worth the cash. Even though I know these things, I still make the mistake of falling for them quite often. My mom was the same way, so I think that

Central air is a must.

Central air is a must.

My partner and I transport a lot with his job. While looking for houses to rent in a current town, the first thing I look for is central heating and a/c. I grew up with space heaters and window cooling systems, and the first arena my partner and I rented had space heaters and a

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I Saved My Money For a Smart Thermostat

I spent a few months saving my money for a smart thermostat… My Heating, Ventilation, and A/C serviceman consistently told me how much he enjoyed smart thermostats and was always telling me how it would lower my utility bills; When he first mentioned a smart thermostat to me, I assumed he was trying to sell

The high levels of humidity make my floor slippery and dangerous

The high levels of humidity make my floor slippery and dangerous

My spouse bought a dehumidifier for the kitchn, and he also bought one for the living room where the stairs are located My spouse and I have undoubtedly been considering moving north. My nice friend and I both grew up in the south, and my associate and I both have numerous friends and family here,

No heat on Christmas afternoon

No heat on Christmas afternoon

It was Christmas Eve plus my boiler suddenly stopped laboring. My boiler works off of a boiler system. I learn online that you can refill those yourself. You just open up the special part plus add more water, but unfortunately, my boiler system doesn’t have a spot like that. It appears to need a specialized

My mom got us a smart thermostat for our anniversary

My mom got us a smart thermostat for our anniversary

My mom got us a smart thermostat for our anniversary last year whenever we were celebrating ten years together. Even though we have been married for 10 years now, we still don’t really have it all together. That is especially true when it comes to our house. We just moved into a new place that

How I found the right air filter

How I found the right air filter

If you’re looking to get an air filter how do you find which one is right for you? One of the best ways you can find out what kind of air filter you need for your home is to have a heating and AC serviceman come out to your home and take a look at

Going on a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

Going on a trip down south near the beach and renting out houses

My best friends and I do not get to see each other easily often. That is why my buddy and I try to do an annual summer time trip… Last year my buddy and I decided to go hiking and whitewater rafting. I am so glad that I am friends with people who adore to

Pencil shaving are in my air conditioner

Pencil shaving are in my air conditioner

I say enough is enough I am starting to feel it is not going to work out with my girlfriend. It is the little things that are getting to me… Like that she borrows my truck and returns it with an empty gas tank. She also eats the last of the cereal and leaves the

Ways to improve indoor air quality

Ways to improve indoor air quality

There are sources of air pollutants in every room in the house, however from pets and pesticides to cooking, showering and cleaning, all sorts of harmful toxins can become trapped inside the living space and create health complications. It’s often necessary to take proactive measures. Indoor air quality accessories toil with the central heating and

Heat from boiler rises straight up to the ceiling

Heat from boiler rises straight up to the ceiling

The winters in my local area are actually long and super cold! With hot and cold temperatures below freezing and feet of snow on the ground, my associate and I are trapped inside the home for more than half the year, the cost of running the boiler is a big drain on the house budget!

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

Pencil shaving are in my cooling system

I am starting to know it is not going to toil out with my bestie. It is the little things that are getting to me, but like that he borrows my truck & returns it with an empty gas tank, then he also eats the last of the cereal & leaves the empty box on

His roofing service was subpar

His roofing service was subpar

I have a friend that is super handy however cheap and lazy… He never does the quality of toil that he is capable of… The guy can fix anything. He is fantastic in electrical, plumbing and Heating and A/C. The guy even worked for a building business for a few years, but in the end,

Looking into humidifiers

Looking into humidifiers

I’ve been looking into the installation of a whole-apartment humidifier. I live in an section that experiences especially long and brutally frigid winter season seasons. With the windows and doors sealed slim and the boiler blasting at maximum capacity, the indoor air becomes seriously dry. Frizzy hair, chapped lips, static shock and headaches are just

Buying an older condo plus learning when to replace A/C

Buying an older condo plus learning when to replace A/C

My wife plus I recently moved out of our 3 study room home, however our cottage-like condo was genuinely nice plus quaint, however it was not fit for starting a family, and my wife plus I just got married about a year ago plus we’re looking to settle down into a bigger condo to start

Dreams about broken air conditioning systems

Dreams about broken air conditioning systems

I had the weirdest dream last evening. I dreamt that I woke up & it was afternoon. In my dream it was unquestionably overheated in the house. So overheated that I could hardly breath. I went downstairs & checked my control component & it read 300 degrees. Of course I tried to adjust it but

Power outage in the dead of winter

Power outage in the dead of winter

Last year my partner became really distraught about his parents. He tried to reach them for afternoons plus there was no answer on their cellphone. This wasn’t like his mom not to return his calls so he called a associate who could go plus check on them. Thankfully the associate still had a landline so